Module 5: Legal Issues in Instructional and Nonacademic Settings
This module will focus on the candidate developing an understanding of the laws and policies that focus
on instructional settings for students with disabilities.
Textbook Support
Yell, M. (2016). The Law and Special Education, (4
th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.
Chapter 11
The following terms have resulted from laws and policies that identify the way educational services will
be delivered to students with disabilities who have an IEP. You are to provide a substantial paraphrased
description of what IDEA expects each of the following areas. The description should be paraphrased
and not include legal language that a non-special educator would understand. Your responses should be
at least a substantial paragraph in length, but no more than one page (double-spaced). Write these
descriptions as if you were presenting them to your regular-education staff or to a group of parents:
1. Free and Appropriate Public Education (FAPE)
2. Least Restrictive Environment (LRE)
3. Stay-Put
4. Inclusion
5. Individualized Educational Program (IEP)
6. Extended School Year Services (ESY)
7. LRE in Nonacademic Settings
8. Private School Settings
1. Survey the building in which you teach, provide the number of students with IEPs who are in
programs of full-inclusion.
2. Survey the building in which you teach, provide the number of students with IEPs who are in a
self-contained classroom
3. Ask your special education contact person if your district has a written protocol in place to
provide students with IEPs access to extra-curricular programs (clubs, athletics, music that is not
part of the regular curriculum, etc.)
1. What did you learn in this application?
2. Who helped you access the information?