Final paper should be 6-12 pages, double-spaced with 1 in margins. Times New Roman, size 12, APA format with in-text citations and references. You should use a minimum of 7 outside references in addition to the textbook. You will need to interview someone that is 65 years old or older for this paper. Due to coronavirus, this interview may be done in-person (if it can be done safely), via phone or video-conferencing.

I. Introduction (3 pts)

II. Include the individual’s name, age, race, marital status, children, if any, current living situation. Where does the person reside (physical location) and home environment. Tell me how you know the person, how the interview was arranged. Please use an alternative name instead of the individual’s first name to preserve confidentiality. (10 pts)

III. Describe and analyze the individual from a psychosocial framework. Identify the crisis and resolution or lack of resolution for each developmental life stage.  In addition to the psychosocial perspective, apply two additional theories that you learned in this course to describe this seniors individual life.  Note: Use of the required texts in this section is necessary. Consider issues of ethnicity, gender, culture, age, social class, race, education, etc… Include bio-psycho-social factors or events that may have facilitated and/or inhibited the resolution of the psychosocial crisis. (15 pts)

IV. Ask the person to discuss in depth with you developmental stages in their life. What were some important episodes/events that they recall from this stage?  What was important about them?  What issue were they working on?  Relationships with significant other, children, family, etc. How did they feel during these stages in life- both in general, about their family and about their own self. What views/feelings/thoughts did they have about their environment (think ecological)? What wants were most important during each stage? What were some difficult challenges and proud accomplishments of key phases? What were external/internal resources that made it possible/impossible to achieve goals?  How did family, groups, culture, communities and organizations help or hinder the person in fulfilling aspirations?  What contributions has this person made to society in his/her own view? What role did faith/spirituality play in each stage? What about culture? (25 pts)

V. Write a paragraph on your impression of the interview including any ethical issues. Did the conversation flow naturally? Did you grow irritated if the client went off-topic? Did you feel as though you created a bond? What stood out to you? What was lacking? What feelings came up for you on a personal note? What could you relate with? What was unrelatable? (15 pts)

VI. What did you learn that you can apply to your future as a social worker? How can you make sure these lessons stick? (10 pts)

VII. Conclusion (2 pts)

References + Grammar + Readability (5 pts)


Life Story Interview
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