Lit 101: Othello play by Shakespeare
The research paper: what is the relationship between Truth and perception, honesty and deceit in Othello play by Shakespeare.
- 2000 words
- Avoid the first and second person
- Use at least 6 scholar sources repeatedly throughout the paper (Usinga source once may result in failure)
- Please use these 2 sourcesbelow as part of the 6 sources needed in the research
- Babcock, Weston. “Iago- An Extraordinary Honest Man” Shakespeare Quarterly, 16, No. 4 (Autumn, 1965), pp. 297-301 (5 pages)
- West, Fred. “Iago the Psychopath” South Atlantic Bulletin Vol. 43, No. 2 (May 1978), pp. 27-35 (9 pages)
DUE DATE 11/15.
LIT 101