LIT1100 Introduction to Literature University of Northwestern – St. Paul
Week 8 Guided Reading Assignment 30 pts
Choose five of the following questions to answer; each question is worth six points.
Type your responses to each GRA question in a word processing file, answering the
questions to the best of your ability. Be sure to include your name, date and question #.
For each question, develop a 1-2 paragraph answer, explaining your interpretation and
supporting your ideas with specific references from the text itself (either paraphrased or
directly quoted).
Use proper in-text citations for all cited textual examples; refer to the “Documenting
Sources and Avoiding Plagiarism” handout.
“The Story of an Hour”
1. What is the significance of freedom in “The Story of an Hour”?
2. How does Chopin use foreshadowing to create irony? Identify two events in the story
that become ironic foreshadowing once the reader reaches the end of the story.
“Soldier’s Home”
3. Why does Krebs avoid complications and consequences? How has the war changed his
attitudes toward work and women?
4. Why do you think Hemingway refers to the main character by his last name (Krebs)
rather than his first name (Harold)? What is the significance of his sister calling him
“To Build a Fire”
5. Identify at least three conflicts that occur in the story, and explain which one is the most
significant and why.
“Wedge of Shade”
6. What are the two main settings in the story, and how do they directly contribute to both
character presentation and plot development?
7. Create a statement of theme (thesis statement) for one of the stories we read this
week. Make sure to use the title somewhere. Then, provide examples from the story
that support your interpretation of the theme.