- Explain why this naturally occurring risk is important enough for you to research it. This may include information from your risk analyses in Week 3 or other reasons, such as the number of stakeholders, recent incidents, or personal experience.
- Analyze three important scientific, technological, or societal issues pertaining to your chosen natural environmental risk. Justify the importance of these issues based on your research, and provide references to sources that support your analysis. To help guide your research and selection of these issues, note the following:
- Scientific issues may include the fields of science involved in the study or mitigation of this risk or other issues.
- Technological issues may include, for example, the types of technology that are available to determine and mitigate the risk.
- Societal issues may include, for example, socioeconomic impacts and disparities, geographic occurrence, and others.
- Recommend a specific mitigation strategy for the natural environmental risk based on your comparison of at least two specific mitigation programs, policies, or strategies you discover through research.
- Use at least four sources to support your writing.
Living with Environmental Risks from Nature —–TOPIC LEAD