




Nursing Staff Shortage in Healthcare


Ruta Arefaine


Oak Point University


NUR 4642: Professional Role Transition


Professor Josette Cabatingan-Oribello










Nursing Shortage

The shortage in the nursing profession has been an issue for over several years. Especially following COVID-19 suddenly gotten worse. St. Mary Elizabeth Hospital is no exception to this growing issue. Nurses make up the majority of medical practitioners and are essential to the industry. There remains a demand for more skilled educators in the perioperative environment and less even workforce distribution. Many serious factors cause the lack of nurses. As the age increases, there is a greater necessity for medical coverage. The authenticity is that, instead of taking just one illness, senior adults typically have illnesses and founders that necessitate professional care. Overall, individualsexistlengthier, a growingultimatum for well-being care. Many chronic illnesses that were previously fatal are now treatable (Mar et al., 2019). The baby boom generation is still at a stage where they might need more medical attention as society ages. Today, more incredible Americans than ever previously time in history are above the age of 65.

According to Haddad et al. (2022, disclosed Nursing employment is anticipated to increase by 6% during the following ten years, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics Number Of simulations 2021–2031. The number of Nurses working in the profession is expected to rise by 195,400 from 3.1 million in 2021 to 3.3 million in 2031. When nurses retire, they get pension benefits and labor strengthleave benefits which are prudently essential in the United States. More than 203,200 positions for Nursing professionals have become vacant in consecutive years. In addition, the nursing staff is shrinking. There are about one million nurse practitioners who are above 50. Thus, it shows that in ten to fifteen years, one in the workforce may be quitting. This figure includes medical faculties, which poses a unique problem since it necessitates training many more nurses with scarce assets. Constraints on admittance and a decline in the nursing practice’s number of nurses can generate both results of a nursing faculty shortage.

Fewer students may register, and the curriculum’s and the scholar’sgeneralsuperiority of education may worsen due to a condensed and forcedfacility. Some newly hired nurses find that the profession differs from what they had imagined after starting their jobs. Others might become employed for a while before giving up after getting overworked. The incidence of nurse burnout is tapering off after years of progressively increasing levels. Furthermore, the spectrum of the average income employee turnover, which spans between 8.8% to 37.0%, is determined by nursing discipline and locale (Rosseter, 2014). Enhancing nurses’ labor conditions is insufficient. It is also essential to consider the caliber of nursing knowledge provided by various sources. Violence in the medical industry contributes to the shortage of nurses by raising the already demanding environment’s risk of emotional trauma. Physical and emotional abuse significantly impacts the medicalspecialist’s well‐being, which distresses their job contentment and efficiency. Because of the patients, they care for, emergency room and psychiatric nurses are more in danger.

Drennan & Ross (2019) suggested that organizations developadvanced ways to ensemble nurses’ loads while giving patients the best care possible. To reactivate and retain health workers, a state that empowers and motivates nurses is obligatory. Limited turnover and a resilientincentive to leave the occupation will give staff more power in recruitment ratio varieties considering the significant intensity and sensitivity stages. Manygovernments have endorsed and followed the Certification to ensure excellenttreatment activities and a considerable level of protection, productivity, and patient contentment.

Investigations and polls show that cohesion, culture, and personality lower medical turnover rates and that nurses who experience a sense of community at work are happier in their positions. When institutions employ registered hires, creating a sense of belonging for them through an induction program can enhance staff happiness. A good onboarding program may ease the transition for newly qualified nurses and lessen their initial stress. Waiting to place new nurses with challenging clients is a great example. Another example of fostering a sense of connection is planning events introducing new nurses to experienced caregivers.

Government should provide nurses with an incentive to promote the behaviors they desire. Consider putting in place a ranking system that gives points for accepting additional times, attempting to pick up awful shift patterns, or learning new skills. Points can be used to purchase unique presents or to help nurses advance on their starting salary over time. As a result, it is simpler to supply even the least popular hours in a way that maintains nurse satisfaction. However, offering rewards for the habits you want to see can help retain employees. According to Strategies for Nurse Managers, it is crucial to refrain from rewarding negative behavior. For instance, rewards for good attendance may force nurses to report to work when they are ill or incapable of doing their jobs, jeopardizing clinical outcomes.

Medical launches should devote money to nurses’extended professional growth and education if they demand to retain nurses in occupation. Medical Institutions should offer maintenance to nurses’ informationattainment. As nurses develop into innovative and administrative positions, employers can provide them with additional skills and competencies through remote learning, personality, and on-site seminars (Elshall et al., 2022). In contrast, front-loading all the retraining during the first few months of employment, which can be a waste if a nurse exits, can result in higher costs and decrease loyalty than deferring more challenging training programs and fun training to senior nurses. Nursing professionals can boost nurse retention and recruitment by offering flexible hours that meet personal and professional needs perfectly. Strike and maintaining an equilibrium between their individual and career development might be difficult for nurses.

The initialstep to implementing the solutions is addressing the issue to the medical leaders to provide practical and reliable training to the nurses while still in the workplace. In addition, the leaders must establish a conducive working environment by scheduling the nurse’s activities into shifts to balance their work and individual needs (Rosseter, 2014). In addition, there is a need for the leaders to appeal to the government for nursing incentives annually. The implementation of the solutions can take six months, but the government proposal o the incentives can take eight months for approval to occur. The project aims to positively impact the medical sector by solving the clinical issue, which is the nursing shortage. These projects give the medical leaders the best tactics to use to enhance nurse retention and satisfactionto increase healthcare productivity. In addition, the development of nursing initiatives will attract morenurses into the healthcare sector to suit the patient’s needs.

The follow-up to ensure that the interventions are well enhanced will be done in all the healthcare settings to ensure that the nurses are comfortable and satisfied. The evaluation of the improvement of the interventions will be based on the number of nurses in the healthcare setting and their feedback. Observing how the nurses react and respond to patients is a goodmeasurement of how the latter aretreated. In addition, the nurse’s feedback will play a vital role in evaluating the success of implementing the interventions. The success of the implementation can be measured by the attendance of the nurses, their participation, their respondinghabits and provision of care to patients, and their facial expressions.

The degree of job satisfaction influences the nursing shortage. If nurses experience stress and burnout due to the work environment and pay, they may be eager to switch jobs. This unhappiness explains the nurse shortage and may encourage it because people do not want to go through the same negative experience again. Enhancing nurses’ labor conditions is insufficient. It is also essential to consider the caliber of nursing knowledge provided by various sources. People ought to be more aware of the advantages of nursing, appreciate its significance for medicine, and realize that poor nursing performance makes it impossible for medical care to be high caliber. If nurses are happy with their jobs and can communicate the value of their expertise in a complex medical system, the nursing shortage may be reduced. The existence of a nursing shortage is typically associated with a variety of adverse effects and consequences, including the inability to supply timely access to trained nurses, patients’ lack of confidence in the standard of care medical and nursing, and people’s restrictions on choosing to nurse as their formalized due to its precarious position financially.




Drennan, V. M., & Ross, F. (2019). Global nurse shortages: The facts, the impact, and action for change. British medical bulletin130(1), 25-37.

Elshall, S. E., Darwish, S. S., & Shokry, W. M. (2022). The Effectiveness of Educational Interventions about Sustainability Development among Nursing Students. Egypt. J. Health Care13(1), 294-310.

Haddad, L. M., Annamaraju, P., & Toney-Butler, T. J. (2022). Nursing shortage. In StatPearls [Internet]. StatPearls Publishing.

Marć, M., Bartosiewicz, A., Burzyńska, J., Chmiel, Z., &Januszewicz, P. (2019). A nursing shortage–a prospect of global and local policies. International nursing review66(1), 9-16.

Rosseter, R. (2014). Nursing shortage. American Association of Colleges of Nursing.



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