The Marketing Mix consists of product, price, promotion and place/distribution strategies. Give a description of the marketing mix for your company (that you work/worked for – not the one for the group project). What products/services are offered? What pricing approaches are used? How do they promote to customers (e.g., advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, etc.)? How do they distribute to customers (or locate their business)? Approximately 1 paragraph for each of the P’s. For Discussion Board topics relating to “your company,” if you do not have a current company you work for, you can use a past one or one you want to work for in the future. If you own your own small business, that will work, too. You are only required to post your own thread on the topic. This assignments should be about half a page to a page in length. One short paragraph usually isn’t enough, and over a page is getting a little too long.