* 4-6 mins (scope of topic should not be too broad or too narrow).
* Use the sources from the annotated bibliography.
* Make sure topic is persuasive (you should be convincing).
* Should be able to support your speech with evidence.
* Preview points with a table of contents.
* Introduce topic when you begin the presentation.
* Use brief bullet points on your slides and expand on your discussion of each point. Try to discuss each point instead of reading slides in their entirety then discussion the general point. Doing this will make the audience more connected to the slides and to you.
* Try to do more extemporaneous discussion rather than writing out/memorizing your speech.
* Include images to make slides more engaging.
* Speeches are stronger when you can show why we should care about the topic (how is it affecting us/related to us?).
* Create a conclusion to wrap up (NEVER end speech by saying (“that’s it”).
* Use titles on your slides to help guide your audience through each topic.
Mask use during pandemic