Choose an existing company you/worked for and identify a product or service they do. Pg.1 Prepare a 1-page narrative of the company (2- paragraphs). 1-(1)Paragraph on the short history of the company (founder, when started, nature of business ,first product, Annual Sales$, etc)2-(1)Paragraph on the service or product that you are going to flowchart.( Short description, pricing and annual sales volume).Pg. 2 Prepare a flowchart of the product from the moment a customer request a product up to the point of delivery to the customer. Add pictures or illustrations to clarify. Explain each step thoroughly and provide descriptions as if you are going to teach someone how to do the process. Use the symbols identified in the book. Pg.122Pg.3 Suggest process improvements. What is in the process that can be shortened/improved/enhanced to make it cheaper, faster and or add value without necessarily adding more cost. What would be the actual $ value benefit/savings to the company? Time frame to implement. Minimum of 3 pages Typewritten
MBA 613: Operations & Strategic Management