Power distance comparison between Indian and American culture
Amol M Satpute
Indiana Wesleyan University
Dr. Linda Hayes
This paper talks about attitudes of common people or less powerful people in society towards authority in high and low power distance culture. The author has tried to compare these attitudes and tried to indicate contrast between them. These attitudes of people towards authority decides the type of culture dominating in society or any specific organization of society. To support argument, author has quoted examples of working in two prestigious companies named SKF India LTD and Cummins Inc USA. The SKF is originally Swedish based company but has strong presence in Indian market. While Cummins Inc American based company headquartered in Columbus USA. Author has applied the knowledge of power distance and PDI index of India/USA to understand overall working culture of SKF and Cummins. Thereby author has tried to characterize the power distance dimension in both companies from his perspective.
Power distance comparison between Indian and American culture
In high power distance culture top authorities will be seen as the most powerful entities who can impact whole society with little scope for individual or less powerful people to give their opinion. On the hand in less power distance culture, people will demand for equal distribution of power and authority. It means that there is no such concept of absolute authority existing in less power distance culture. In high power distance culture authority will come first than right and wrong choices. Hence people will have to obey authority most of the time rather than being free thinker however in low power distance culture people can easily challenge the authority as they don’t see authority as a god or savior but just as leader elected for the purpose of administration and governing.
To support this argument, I would like to give two examples. The first one is SKF India LTD where I was working almost for a year after completing my bachelor’s degree in India. As India has higher PDI index, I could easily experience dominance of my boss or senior management in all my work-related decisions. There was lot hierarchy and centralization of power. The negative side of this is I was micromanaged by several bosses at a time. I also experienced poor work life balance. I felt overall work environment as more stressful and monotonous. In higher PDI cultures, inequality is common which I experience most of the time while working at SKF. The positive side of this experience is I could develop myself as a well-disciplined professional who can work in structured or organized manner.
Another example is of my experience of working with Stellantis North America Inc in Auburn Hills Inc. As Stellantis(Formerly known as FCA North America Inc) being American company has less PDI. I had very relaxed but well-organized working environment with great work life balance. Even though I was entry level engineer I was treated equally and fairly as engineering professional by my super visor and manager. My supervisor was more than boss, he was my mentor, best friend, and trainer. He always encouraged me to think out of box and work independently at the same time guided me to find solutions to complex engineering problem.
The Concept of power distance is evident in both organization that I worked with. I could experience it in terms, of management style, overall organization communication style, employee treatment, work-life balance, salary and daily job responsibilities that I use to handle.
Hofstede Power Distance Traits (andrews.edu)
Michael A. Daniels, & Gary J. Greguras, A. B. (2014). Exploring the nature of power distance, Journal of Management 40(5):1202-122 DOI:10.1177/0149206314527131