Very Important that the paper include everything listed. I am attaching the previous paper with the changes that need to be made. The instructors added comments on the corrections. The below is an addition to the original paper.

Students will write, in the form of an essay (no bullet points and no quotations), a paper that
details their chosen media technology and the corresponding effect(s) of that media technology
on society or culture. This assignment is worth 25% of your final grade.
Objectives & Grading Rubric (Total 40 points):
Complete the following objectives and answer the following questions:
Media Technology and Effects: (2 points)
State your chosen media technology and the historical time period in which you intend to
o What did the technology provide or what purpose did it serve?
o When did it emerge, develop, or disappear? (choose one)
What specific change or changes to society or culture were taking place that either
(choose one):
o Was the direct result of the technology
o Influenced the emergence, development, or decline in use of that technology
o Is comparable to another technologys function that exists in a different form today
Methodology: (3 points)
State explicitly what method you will use to study the media technology of that historical
time period.
o Technological determinism, cultural determinism, or media archeology?
Cite and explain the definition from the assigned reading that details this methodology
o You must cite the assigned authors work and the specific page number(s) from
which this definition can be found.
What are the weaknesses of this methodology and how will you avoid them in your project?
o You must cite the assigned authors work and specific page number(s) from which
the discussion of the media technologys weaknesses can be found.
o Explain what specific evidence and arguments you would need to provide a more
complete and accurate account of the media technologys history and effect(s).
Previous Source from Outside the Syllabus (Effects): (7 points)
Explicitly state the authors method of studying media-historical change.
Relate the authors ideas to your discussion of your media technologys effect(s) on society
in the chosen time period.
o This includes expanding upon the ideas and terms discussed in your proposal.
Additional Source from Outside the Syllabus (Technology): (8 points)
Select and include an additional source from outside the syllabus that pertains to your media
technology in the chosen time period.
o Explain the authors main argument by citing exact page numbers.
o Relate the authors ideas to your discussion of the media technology in the chosen
time period.
Primary Source Analysis: (10 points)
What does the text say? (3 points)
o What evidence or basic facts does the author present to verify their claims?
o What opinions are presented that are NOT basic facts?
o The opinions and facts must be clearly differentiated in your discussion
What is the explicit argument the author is trying to persuade the reader to agree with?
o Explain using specific evidence from the text (cite the exact page number[s] for
which this evidence can be found). (3 points)
Relate the authors discussion to your chosen media text. (4 points)
o This includes expanding upon the discussion in your proposal.
Instructor Comments and Minimum Number of Outside Sources (5 points):
Adhere to any changes noted by your instructor in the review of your paper proposal.
You must employ at least 2 peer-reviewed academic texts and 1 primary source from outside
the syllabus in this assignment.
o Peer-reviewed academic texts should be found through online academic databases
(J-Stor) and the Millsaps-Wilson Library.
o If any source in the paper proposal assignment did not meet the established criteria,
you must find a new source for this assignment that fulfills the objective listed above.
Points will be removed for the use of quotations.
In-text Citations, Works Cited Page, Spelling, and Grammar: (5 points)
Proper MLA or APA citation format must be followed for all in-text citations
o This includes in-text citations with specific page numbers that reference an authors
The Works Cited page must contain complete citations (MLA or APA format) for every text
discussed/cited in the essay.
Proper spelling and grammar must be followed, as well as adhering to the designated page
o The Work Cited page does NOT factor into the designated page count.


Media Technology and Effects
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