Search through the current news cycle on the internet for an interesting article or news story that involves medically-relevant microbes. Any topics that are related to medically-relevant microbes, disease, outbreaks, or other microbial interactions with humans (either positive or negative) will be accepted.
* The article or news story must have been released less than a month before your submission.
Be clear when answering the following questions: (Each answer should be about 2-3 sentences in length.)
- What microbe is the article about? Describe the type of microbe and name 2 characteristics and 2 interesting facts about the microbe.
- Where is the microbe normally found?
- What disease does the microbe cause? Name the disease and describe 3 common symptoms.
- What population is affected?
- How is the disease commonly treated?
- Who is being affected by the microbe in the article?
- In your opinion, why is the microbe or microbial event newsworthy?
3. Provide a link to the article or news story.
medically-relevant microbes