Individual Reading Assignments
Individual Reading Assignments
The individual reading assignments will be formatted and submitted with the following
formatting requirements and content:
I. Memo Format
a. Every paper submitted will employ a ‘Memo format’ [see attached]. This is
for illustrative purposes as to what each individual reading should include
as to content and format.
II. Each student shall select an article/ paper for the assignment based on the
overall subject matter/ topic given for that individual assignment
III. The memo will contain:
a. To whom the Memo will be addressed/ sent to:
i. The recipient shall be a relevant company/ industry/ individual and
be addressed to one of the following:
1. The CEO of the business, or
2. The Chairman, or
3. The Board of Directors
b. The current date
c. The ‘subject matter’ of the memo
d. A relevant summary / discussion of the topic/ subject matter
e. ‘Recommendations’ for the recipient (individual or company)
f. ‘Other Observations’ beyond the ‘recommendations’ provided
IV. Citations/ References
a. The article/ paper that was the basis for the memo must be cited as to
author and source
Your final product will be evaluated and graded in terms of its ability to effectively
address the overall topic and applicability to the class lecture topics and germane to
consulting, strategy, and finance.
In grading the Memo, I will pay attention to the following issues:
• Was the paper formatted as a memo?
• Is the topic in keeping with the assignment?
• Is the recipient (a person or company) a logical recipient for the subject
• Is the Memo concise, coherent, persuasive, and logical?
• Citations and/ or References, were they provided?
• Attributions provided?
Individual Reading Assignments
In this portion of the memo, the writer briefly but completely reviews the facts of the case or
paper. This paragraph will contain historical data, information that is a matter of public record,
and facts that are relevant to the recommended communication strategy.
In this portion of the memo, the writer expands on the implications of the facts cited above.
This is where the writer explains to the reader what those facts mean and why they matter.
The discussion paragraph often becomes the basis for the recommendations that follow.
This is often the largest section of the memo.
In this paragraph, the writer lays out each recommendation in specific terms.
On occasion, the paragraph above will be labeled “Actions Recommended,” and would be
preceded by a paragraph labeled “Actions Taken.” The difference is a matter of authority in the
organization. The memo writer clearly has authority to take certain actions on his or her own
and to back brief the supervisor or manager by means of this memo. That same writer might
propose actions that the reader is asked to agree to. It is always useful for the reader to know
what tasks have already been done, and what tasks he or she is being asked to approve.
Most memoranda do not include a signature block, nor do they feature salutation lines (“Dear . .
..”) or complimentary closing lines (“Sincerely yours,”).
To conclude, most memos will feature some distinctive typographical mark just beneath the
Individual Reading Assignments
last line of type. Some authors will use their initials, other will simply use the pound sign or
other mark of their choice.