I have attached here assignment requirement along with Rubric. it can be done in power point project. please read all requirement. 

Remember your project should include the following:

  • A criminal      minds individual will be your patient from the list below for your      project.
  • A brief      history of the patient including diagnoses (documented or your thoughts if      no diagnosis is recorded) and medications (if not applicable, write about      which mediations you think would be appropriate). Not a lot of gory      details about their crimes.
  • Any      substance abuse, addiction or violence issues surrounding this mental      health problem. Describe the attempted interventions that have been made      for your patient, and identify what has been successful and what has not. (If      not enough interventions were found, please write about what interventions      you think would have been appropriate)
  • Think about      interventions that may have been helpful. Include sources for      evidence-based practice. What might have made the difference between functional      mental illness to the progression to criminal behavior.
  • Include 3      relevant Nursing Diagnoses for your patient along with 3 outcomes (should      be measurable!) and 3 appropriate interventions for each diagnosis.
  • How will you      evaluate effectiveness? Include an evaluation tool or rubric. Most      nursing diagnosis books include tools you can use. 
  • Include      everything listed on the rubric!
  • The paper      should use APA formatting and be at least 3 pages in length
  • Grammarly      Plagiarism Report to be turned in with submission, should be <10%      plagiarism 


Richard Speck

Aileen Wournos

Jeffrey Dahmer

John Wayne Gacey

H. H. Holmes

Ted Bundy

Jim Jones

Charles Cullen

Earl Nelson

Charles Manson

Genene Jones

Richart T. Chase

Ed Giehn

BTK Dennis Rader

R. Kuklinski

DC Sniper

Bob Yates

Albert Fish

Grim Sleeper

Son of Sam

Columbine Killers


Harpe Brothers

Menendez Bros

Michael Swango

Kristen Gilbert

Henry Lee Lucas

Ottis Toole

Gary Heidnik

Edmund Kemper

Valerie Solanas

Mark Chapman

Rodney Alcala

Charles Sobhraj

John Wayne Wilson

Craig List Killers

Jack the Ripper

Nannie Doss

John Wilkes Booth

Darren Deon Vann

Gary Ridgway

Lucrezia Borgia

Adam Lanza

Rostov Ripper

Richard Beasley

Lisa Montgomery

Miranda Barbour

Amy Bishop

Marie Besnard

Patrick Sherrill


Scoring Rubric:





Describes the patient that is the subject of   the project including diagnoses, medications, and history OR describes the   community, its strengths and problems and the mental health issue that will   be the subject of the paper.4 point

Includes any substance abuse or violence   issues for the patient or community- 2 point

Discusses attempted interventions, what has   been successful and what has not. 4 point

Describes own personal thoughts about the   patient’s or community’s mental health issues.- 4 point

 Describes any cognitive concerns and   possible interventions.- 2 point

Writes a nursing care plan including three   priority nursing diagnoses with r/t and AEB factors.- 4 point

Includes outcomes in NOC language and   interventions in NIC language with a plan for evaluation.-4 point

 Identifies mental health resources that can   be used with the patient or community. Includes an educational tool. – 4 point

 Supports answers using academic resources,   with citations in APA format. 2 point

Total 30


Scoring Rubric: Course Project Semester Project Completion

Criteria Points

  • Describes the patient that is the subject of the project including diagnoses, medications, and history OR describes the community, its strengths and problems and the mental health issue that will be the subject of the paper. – 4
  • Includes any substance abuse or violence issues for the patient or community – 2
  • Discusses attempted interventions, what has been successful and what has not. – 4
  • Describes own personal thoughts about the patient’s or community’s mental health issues. – 4
  • Describes any cognitive concerns and possible interventions. – 2
  • Writes a nursing care plan including three priority nursing diagnoses with r/t and AEB factors. – 4
  • Includes outcomes in NOC language and interventions in NIC language with a plan for evaluation. – 4
  • Identifies mental health resources that can be used with the patient or community. Includes an educational tool. – 4
  • Supports answers using academic resources, with citations in APA format. – 2


Mental health Nursing
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