THIS IS A DB AND REPLY POST ( reply post will be posted in messages)
In this discussion, you are going to use the Relational Dialectics Theory to see what types of relational tensions are present in some of your relationships.
Select a personal relationship, such as a romantic partner, a friend, or a family member to use for the discussion. For your initial post, state what type of relationship you are describing, and then respond to each of the following questions with a minimum 4-sentence answer. Be sure to include examples to describe each of the tensions in your relationship.
- Describe the autonomy/connection tension within your relationship, which one is the norm?
- Describe the closedness/openness tension within your relationship, which one is the norm?
- Describe the novelty/predictability tension within your relationship, which one is the norm?
For your response to another student’s post, compare and contrast their answers to your answers. Try to find similarities and differences to see how each relationship is unique.