Peer 1
The radical evolution in patient care and hospital industries has changed the approach of nursing education and classroom learning styles. The old-school learning approach involves teaching methodology and is still dominant in content delivery to learners. However, it is impossible to ignore the benefits of implementing active learning strategies in education. The last fifteen weeks of the course were loaded with several learning activities, including pre-class assignments, case study evaluations, role play, practice questions, what-if scenarios, critical thinking, and nursing simulations. Middle range, grand theories, and conceptual models are some courses covered during the session.
The relevance and effectiveness of nursing theories largely depend on the philosophical underpinnings of nursing theory and the correct interpretation of the researcher’s stance and viewpoint. Nursing theories provide nurse practitioners with fundamental principles that guide their actions when handling their patients. Various nursing theories are grounded on the basis that human phenomena can only be fully explicated by people who experience them and applied by health practitioners to advance patient care (Garmy et al., 2021). The underlying philosophy of nursing theory creates room for consciousness that fosters a more profound understanding of self, others, and the global continent. These nursing theories promote uniformity and structured ideas projecting a tentative, purposeful, and systematic view of health phenomena (Younas & Quennell, 2019). I agree that nursing theories play an essential role in nursing, guiding nurses’ code of conduct and their dealings with patients. However, they keep advancing as technology and the health system revolve to include emerging trends.
Nursing concepts and middle-range theories were also covered intensively during the past fifteen weeks. The conceptual models of nursing provide a framework for health care professionals to observe, reflect, and interpret phenomena relating to health care and wellbeing. The conceptual model is central to nursing practice, diagnosis, treatment, and general nursing theories. It comprises four elements: human beings, health, environment, and nursing (Younas & Quennell, 2019). These factors define every association between nurses and patients as they must be present in any treatment, diagnosis, or preventive care intervention. Therefore, clinicians should perceive all the components with equal weight to develop an unequivocal and reliable health care system that addresses patients’ needs from all perspectives.
Notably, every activity, relation, and research in nursing practice is anchored on theories and models. Stakeholders in the nursing collective pool efforts together to achieve the central objective of the nursing profession. Proper application of the nursing theories and conceptual framework facilitates care for nurses with chronic diseases, nurse-patient education, adequate discharge planning, health maintenance, and disease prevention.
Peer 2
Theoretics is one of the most fundamental topics that exist in medicine, illuminating the everlasting knowledge that exists from previous medical research, and implementing it towards experiments that develop human knowledge that can be applied through theoretical knowledge. Over the course of the past 15 weeks, professor Trigoura has professionally displayed respect and responsibility towards all students throughout every encounter. Being aware of our time, and our dedication, she has presented theoretics in nursing and the proper application of theories to real-world situations. This class has served not only as a learning experience but also as a formula for the proper nursing procedures. Throughout this discussion, I hope to share with you the things that I have found most interesting in terms of our semester curriculum and the incredible foundational knowledge that I have been able to gain.
We began our course with what I believe was one of the most fundamental topics throughout our course. During our second week in the program, where we were asked to be able to determine the difference between Internal and external criticism in nursing. This was a great discussion because it served as a base for how we viewed nursing theories from that point on. With this, we were able to learn that using internal and external criticism was an advantage when studying nursing theories as it would allow for us to be able to how the theories were organized, it would help us determine the validity of the studies found within them, and provide us with better knowledge as to how the theories components fit into its description (Khoshnood et al, 2020). Not only did I learn and apply these concepts further on in the course, but these concepts have stuck with me in such a way that I feel like I now analyze various things nursing and non-nursing using a variety of internal and external criticism factors. However, criticism like this became incrementally important throughout our course, especially when it came to our middle ranged theories.
The middle ranged theories of nursing are some of the most intensely educational theories that one can obtain knowledge on as they are some of the most helpful guides in nursing. One of my personal favorites was the theory of unpleasant symptoms, which was covered during the fourth week of this course. This theory was created with the sole purpose of attempting to improve past and current knowledge of symptoms that patients experience and the emotional connections that come along with them (Lenz, 2018). Not only does this theory focus on educational research and implementation of emotional awareness in nursing, but it also presents various ideologies that have the power to influence the prospective ideologies that come with it, including factors like psychological and situational influences that the nurse and the patient both present (Blakeman, 2020). This, however, was only one of many interesting theories that we were given the opportunity to analyze throughout this course. Middle ranged theories like the theory of pain, the theory of comfort, and even the theory of self-efficacy, were all incredibly amazing guides that have allowed me to become much more knowledgeable about theoretics in nursing.
Throughout the course of the past fifteen weeks, our professor has been able to provide us with an unimaginable number of tools that give us varying amounts of perspectives in terms of a variety of ideals across nursing. I have been able to develop and sustain multiple skills throughout this course that I don’t believe would have been possible without the intense coursework that Professor Trigoura has given us. Skills like how to properly write a discussion post and skills that represent my knowledge and understanding of nursing concepts. This course has provided me with an outline that has made me a more responsible, more eager student that is ready to learn and explore the complex topics that come with immersive courses like Professor Trigoura’s Theoretics class.