Discussion Response 1 LG
In your responses to no fewer than two of your classmates, compare and contrast your respective
choices of literature, issues/cases, and theoretical approaches. Offer constructive criticism and
argument regarding your respective conclusions. Additionally, identify any insights you have gained
as a result of reading the responses of others.
Classmate’s Post 1
Lifespan Theory- The lifespan theory focuses on the different stages that one goes
through as they age. As one ages, life often becomes more complex, and problems will
arise. We use our life skills and knowledge to deal with these problems. This process
often occurs in stages as one ages. Some problems only occur later on in life, while
others occur at young adult. The article that I chose that relates to the Smith-Osborne
article is one by Rauvola and Rudolph. This article focuses on the lifespan theory,
especially relating to emerging adulthood. This article discusses points such as coping
and how one could manage their development. Lifestyle also plays a factor in the
lifespan theory.
Resiliency Theory- The resiliency theory focuses on how one bounces back after a
situation. In life there will typically be curve balls. Adaption and overcoming is key to the
resiliency theory. I often think that having resilience can make one stronger. Having the
skills to adapt and overcome will make the challenges that one faces easier. In the article
by Raemy, it discusses how identity is often formed by one’s resilience. Over a lifetime a
person is continuously learning skills that they can use to overcome challenges they may
face. This knowledge is very important.
These two approaches are similar, yet different in their own ways. They both occur
throughout one’s lifetime. They can occur at the same time. One can have applications
from both theories. They are different because the lifespan theory acknowledges that
challenges that one faces, yet does not talk about how those challenges can make one
stronger. The resiliency theory does not acknowledge the different stages that one goes
through in life.
Cognitive and personality issues will emerge from both of these theories. One’s
personality can be described how they overcome obstacles in life. Also, one learns life
skills as they go through different stages in life.
Raemy, P. (2021). Theory of Professional Identity in Journalism: Connecting Discursive
Institutionalism, Socialization, and Psychological Resilience Theory. Communication
Theory (1050-3293), 31(4), 841–861. https://doi.org/10.1093/ct/qtaa019
Rauvola, R. S., & Rudolph, C. W. (2021). An operational integration of lifespan
development theories. Current Psychology: A Journal for Diverse Perspectives on Diverse
Psychological Issues. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12144-021-02385-0
Discussion Response 2 KS
In your responses to no fewer than two of your classmates, compare and contrast your respective
choices of literature, issues/cases, and theoretical approaches. Offer constructive criticism and
argument regarding your respective conclusions. Additionally, identify any insights you have gained
as a result of reading the responses of others.
Classmate’s Post 2
The first article is by Melvin Konner. In his article, he presented the concept of emerging
adulthood concerning the lifespan theory. The research has been carried out regarding
the existing papers. The results state that emerging adulthood is also referred to as the
pre-adult life history stage, which is the foundation for the person’s future. This stage is
essential as the person is still learning and developing himself. Throughout the scene, the
person is impacted by different phenomena like culture or other cognitive inputs
(Konner, 2019).
Joyce Hlungwani writes the second article. The paper is focused more on the female
care leaver concerning the resilience theory. The research was carried out by
interviewing nine female care leavers. The writer has already researched male care
leavers, and this research aims to compare the impact on females with male care leavers.
The article concludes that resilience is vital in the female care leaver’s journey to
becoming a young woman. Their resilience is more associated with the challenges of
motherhood and taking more responsibilities than the male (Hlungwani, 2020).
Both articles show that cognitive and personality development is a tremendous
challenge during emerging adulthood. Emerging adulthood is the learning stage where
the individual learns through different factors like surrounding, things taught to them,
and their experiences. It also shows that females face more challenges during emerging
adulthood as they have to come with more responsibilities as compared to men.
Hlungwani, J. (2020). Female care leavers’ journey to young adulthood from residential
care in South Africa: Gender-specific psychosocial processes of resilience. 25(4), 915-
Konner, M. (2019). Emerging Adulthood, a Pre-adult Life-History Stage. 10.