- Who are the professional members of the courtroom work group, and what are their roles?
- Who are the nonprofessional courtroom participants?
- What are the three forms of indigent defense used in the United States? Why might defendants prefer private attorneys over public counsel?
- What activities are typically undertaken during the pretrial period (that is, before the start of a criminal trial)?
- What is the purpose of a criminal trial? What is the difference between factual guilt and legal guilt? What do we mean by the term adversarial system?
- What are the various stages of a criminal trial?
- What is plea bargaining, and what is its function? To what kinds of cases is it most suited?
- What purpose does plea bargaining serve for the defense? For the prosecution? Given the criticisms leveled against plea bargaining, do you believe that its an acceptable practice? Explain.
- What exceptions to the hearsay rule have courts recognized?
- Do you think the present jury system is outmoded? Why?
NMSU CJ Assignment 3