This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOutcome Analysis Part B
Narrative Analysis
1. Using synthesis and evaluation, the student authors a 3,000-4,500 word scholarly reflective narrative that demonstrates how all of the artifacts submitted, and the course in which the artifacts were produced, meet each MSN/FNP Program Outcome; AND
2. The student provides summative evaluation of their own professional growth and development as a graduate student in the COGNITIVE, PSYCHOMOTOR, and AFFECTIVE domains as it pertains to the FNP Program; AND
3. The student provides summative evaluation of their own professional growth and development as a graduate student as it pertains to AACN’s MSN Essentials for Graduate Education; AND
4. The student provides summative evaluation of their own professional growth and development as a graduate student as it pertains to the National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties (NONPF) Competencies; AND
5. The student reflects how one’s own cultural competence has been transformed.