Nutrition Assignment
Using this 3 Day Food Record, compare your intake with the 2019( https://food-guide.canada.ca/en/) Canada’s Food Guide recommendations, both the main plate model messages (what to eat/proportions) and the secondary “how to eat” messages (e.g. cooking at home, eating with others). Try to keep to their language (e.g. “whole grains” not “carbohydrates”).
Maximum 1000 words in a casual essay format (first-person writing is allowed) with accurate spelling and grammar. Your food choices themselves are not being scored, just your analysis and you must also include a summary statement with 2 goals for the future. This analysis should make up about ½ of the content.
Based on 1 of these 2 goals, find a reputable CONSUMER resource (not an academic article) related to the goal, summarize the content and briefly discuss the positive and negative attributes of the resource (e.g. authorship, writing style, practicality, references, source, etc.). This is part of the 1000 words (~¼ of the content).
As well find an academic article (e.g. peer-reviewed study, systematic review or meta-analysis) related to the same goal. Summarize the article in 3-4 sentences and connect it to the Consumer Resource (~¼ of the content).
An APA reference list tying to in text citations and including the link to the consumer resource must be included
Example using a Food Record from Assignment #1 (this food record will not be counted as part of the word count, but it helps with marking so we don’t have to refer to your other submission).
The following is an analysis of my food record based on the Canada’s Food Guide Recommendations.
For example:
The basis of my first breakfast was whole grains which is one of the recommendations. As well, I included a protein source from the kefir, and fruit as recommended. It’s hard to say if it perfectly met the balanced plate proportions as it was all mixed together. I made it myself from minimally processed ingredients but I ate it alone in front of my computer, instead of with others and focusing on enjoying my food instead of working.
My lunch met the balanced plate proportions except I was missing whole grains. My protein choices were not plant-based as recommended. I also had a Coke instead of water which is the recommended beverage of choice. The dressing was homemade which meets the recommendation for cooking at home more often and limiting foods high in sodium and saturated fat.
In summary, my goals for the future include increasing the amount of plant-based proteins in my diet and limiting my consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages by consuming water as my beverage of choice more often.
The following reputable consumer resource (https://www.heartandstroke.ca/articles/what-is-a-plant-based-diet) relates to the goal set of increasing plant-based protein foods in my diet. This resource is reputable as it comes from The Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada and it references Canada’s Food Guide. It is well-written and easy to follow and contains practical information on how to substitute plant-based protein foods for animal proteins in many common dishes. It also provides interesting advice on limiting ultra-processed plant-based protein foods like meat alternatives and focusing on beans, nuts, seeds and whole grains instead. The negative attributes of this resource are that the author is not identified, it is not dated to know when it was last updated and studies that are mentioned are not referenced.
The following academic article also supports my goal of increasing plant-based protein foods in my diet. It comes from a reputable peer-reviewed journal, The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Campbell states that plant-based protein foods such as legumes, nuts, seeds and soy products help to prevent negative lipid profiles associated with increased risk of heart disease but that they must be included in an overall healthy pattern of eating and could be supplemented by seafood, lean red meat, eggs and poultry (Campbell, 2019).
**this is NOT a complete example—you need to write 2-3 times this much!
References (APA format):
Campbell, Wayne. 2019. Animal-based and plant-based protein rich foods and cardiovascular health: a complex conundrum. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Volume 110: Issue 1, pp. 8-9. https://academic-oup-com.ezproxy.library.uvic.ca/ajcn/article/110/1/8/5494814.
Health Canada. 2019. Canada’s Food Guide. https://food-guide.canada.ca/en/
Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada. https://www.heartandstroke.ca/articles/what-is-a-plant-based-diet