CDEV 108
Observation Assignment
Fall 2021
Instructions: Watch the video: What Does ‘High-Quality’ Preschool Look Like? | NPR Ed. This
short video is about 6 minutes in length. Copy/paste it into your browser or you can just type the title
in the youtube.com search bar.
Below is the revised observation assignment checklist. Read over the check list and see how many of
them you are able to check off by watching the video.
Instructions for the Rating Scale Sheets
You do not need to submit your rating scale sheets.
They are only meant as support for your notetaking and
understanding of preschool environments.
In order to learn about young children and their environments, an observation checklist has been
developed to familiarize you with three aspects of preschool environments:
• the physical environment (What is posted on the walls, how the room is decorated, etc.)
• the interpersonal environment (how the teacher interacts with the children)
• the class activities and curriculum (what activities and materials are provided for the
children to explore).
Spend some time observing each of these focuses for this assignment. Watch for children’s specific
play in the room and the teacher’s behavior with the children.
You will score each question by circling the number/rating which you feel it deserves:
• 1 (extremely poor quality)
• 2 (poor quality)
• 3 (okay, but not great)
• 4 (good)
• or 5 (excellent)
Following the scoring/checklist items, record any notes which you think would help you to complete
this assignment successfully. Comments and examples should be very specific. In your notes, be as
objective as possible; documenting only what you observe as if you were a camera recording the
information. Separate observed behavior and environment components (the objective part) from your
own thoughts and feelings (the subjective part). You will describe what you personally learned
(subjective opinions) from this observation in the critique and conclusion.
You may add comments to each one.
1. Indoor Physical Environments
1 = extremely poor quality 2 =poor quality 3= okay, but not great 4 =good 5= excellent
Quiet and noisy activities can go on without disturbing one another. There is an appropriate place for
1 2 3 4 5
A variety of materials are available for the children to use when they are interested.
1 2 3 4 5
Materials are on the shelves well-spaced for clarity (not cluttered).
1 2 3 4 5
Self-help is encouraged by having materials in individual containers and accessible to children so
they can use them alone (and don’t have to seek teacher assistance).
1 2 3 4 5
Furniture and furnishings identify classroom areas/centers. Tables and rug areas are provided for
convenient use of materials in each activity center. Activity centers are defined so that children know
where to use the materials.
1 2 3 4 5
The environment is arranged so all areas can be easily supervised.
1 2 3 4 5
There is evidence of items from nature being used and displayed in the classroom.
1 2 3 4 5
Displayed materials are NON-commercialized items some of which are child-made projects. (ie:
Disneyland type of marketing is NOT visible in the room. No Barbies, No Mickey Mouse, No
Cinderella, No Power Rangers, etc.),
1 2 3 4 5
Neutral-colored bins, natural baskets, and/or transparent containers are used throughout the
1 2 3 4 5
Multiple sources of light are evident in the classroom (windows, lamps, ceiling lights, etc).
1 2 3 4 5
Children’s framed artwork is visible in the classroom with some examples placed at children’s eye
level. (Children’s work is displayed attractively at the child’s level.)
1 2 3 4 5
2. Interpersonal environment
1 = extremely poor quality 2 =poor quality 3= okay, but not great 4 =good 5= excellent
There is a feeling of mutual respect between adults and children, children and children.
1 2 3 4 5
Adults observe children’s activities and intervene only when it is beneficial to the child.
1 2 3 4 5
Adults show children how to help themselves and children are encouraged to learn from one another.
1 2 3 4 5
There are opportunities for children to play alone, in small and large groups.
1 2 3 4 5
When limits/rules are placed, adults use reasoning and consistent follow through.
1 2 3 4 5
There is an overall warm interpersonal environment. There seems to be strong, warm, respectful
relationships established between the teacher(s) and the children.
1 2 3 4 5
3. Activities and Curriculum
1 = extremely poor quality 2 =poor quality 3= okay, but not great 4 =good 5= excellent
There are many opportunities for dramatic play such as a Dramatic play area, dress up clothes for
both girls and boys. (Indoors and Outdoors)
1 2 3 4 5
There is a variety of basic art media: paints, drawing materials, clay, collage, etc
(accessible to the children)
1 2 3 4 5
Music is a vital part of the program: background music, cassettes, informal singing, instruments,
1 2 3 4 5
Language stimulation is varied: books, picture games, flannel board stories, etc.
1 2 3 4 5
There are small manipulatives available to build eye-hand coordination and finger dexterity. (5-8
different choices of manipulatives/materials)
1 2 3 4 5
There are enough examples of activities that promote development of the Whole Child:
physical/motor, social, emotional, cognitive, language, etc.
1 2 3 4 5
4. Classroom Schedule
1 = extremely poor quality 2 =poor quality 3= okay, but not great 4 =good 5= excellent
The daily schedule is posted in the classroom.
1 2 3 4 5
The time sequence of the classroom is clear to both teacher and children. (Children seem aware of
the daily schedule).
1 2 3 4 5
The set up and clean-up routines are simple and are expected parts of the child’s activity (ie: children
are expected to clean up the toys they played with).
1 2 3 4 5
Submission: You should be submitting the following items for this assignment:
1. Title Page (which includes your name, class, date, instructor’s name) There is a visual aide for a
sample title page located in the grading rubric (last page of this handout).
2. Your typed (2-4 pages, double spaced) observation and evaluation (Updated/revised details provided
on the next page). This part refers to your personal reactions and reflections. Be sure to focus on the
critique/reflection process, not just state what you observed.
3. The rating scale sheets, self-evaluation and grading rubric are NOT required to submit for this
assignment. An updated grading rubric is only included in this handout to serve as an indication how
the revised assignment will be graded.
Personal Reactions & Reflections
This is the (subjective) part of the assignment where you share your interpretations and applications.
After watching the video, using the rating scales, and writing down as many (objective) observation
notes as you can, you will need to interpret your data by applying what you’ve learned about Child
Development in class discussions and in your textbook readings (as well as your Canvas learning) to
your observations. Use the questions below to guide your reflections for the 2-4 typed pages portion
of the assignment.
1. Write an introductory paragraph that states the purpose of your paper.
(ie: “In the paper I will…”) Be sure to include the title of the video. (What Does ‘High-Quality’
Preschool Look Like? | NPR Ed)
2. Write a substantial critique for full credit. Analyze any specific observations you made during
your visit. You may describe what you saw, but be sure to critique it too. Share your thoughts,
reflections, reactions about what you observed (regarding interactions, environments,
curriculum activities, etc.)
You must answer the following questions to receive full credit on this alternative
a. Describe specific interactions you observed between the adults and children that you were
impressed by. Were there any that you would have approached differently? Explain.
b. Do you feel that the physical environment was appropriate or ideal? Explain.
c. Does the environment convey the following messages to the children and how?
o This is a cheerful and happy place.
o You belong here, and we like you.
o This is a place you can trust.
o You can do many things on your own and be independent.
d. What potential improvements would you recommend? (REQUIRED). List a minimum of 2-3
possible improvements.
e. End with a conclusion. What was your overall impression of the program? Be specific.
Complete your paper with a short paragraph that restates your purpose from the
introductory paragraph. Was it a worthwhile assignment for you? Explain. End with a
statement that ties it all together.
If you have questions about the assignment please feel free to ask our Super Tutors
or me.
(This rubric is for your information only. You do not have to submit it with your assignment.)
I. Structure and/or construction of assignment (12 points)
A. Well edited (no spelling, grammar, or structural errors) ______/ 5 points
B. APA style ______/ 3 points
Layout (margins, font, double spaced, etc.)
C. Includes a title page (APA stye) ______/ 4 points
1. Middle of page includes assignment title
2. Bottom right hand corner of page includes name, class, instructor, & date
II. Substance of paper or assignment (38 points)
A. Personal Reactions & Reflections
1. Introductory paragraph ______ / 4 points
a. Introduces general purpose of assignment
b. Includes the title of the video
2. Provides a substantial critique (4 points/part) ______ / 16 points
a. Includes specific interactions
b. Addresses the physical environment
c. Shares environment messages to the children and how?
d. Potential improvements (a minimum of 2-3 is required)
3.Overall impressions and conclusions (Be specific.) _______/ 4 points
B. Addressed questions in a clear, organized, thoughtful manner ______ / 6 points
C. Included 2-4 pages (typed portion) in length. ______ / 8 points
Total points: _______/ 50 points
(Sample Cover Page)
Observation Assignment
Your name
CDEV 108
Due date
Instructor’s name