Next Generation Firewall for Network Security: A
Kishan Neupane*, Rami Haddad*, Lei Chen+
Department of Electrical Engineering*
Department of Information Technology+
Georgia Southern University
Statesboro, GA 30460, USA
{kn01559, rhaddad, lchen}@georgiasouthern.edu
Abstract— In today’s world, with the advent of internet, the
network security has become a necessity to protect the usability
and integrity of network and data. Traditional firewalls are
incapable of coping with emerging threats such as targeted and
data focused attacks. In this paper, a survey of the different
types of current and next generation firewalls are discussed
in details highlighting their potential functionalities. The
different technologies implemented in Next Generation Firewall
(NGFW) for network security are highlighted. Additionally,
the advantages of the next generation firewalls were compared
against the traditional firewalls. Also in this paper, the primary
network security goals, their recent emerging security threats,
and their potential solutions to protect the network are discussed.
Keywords— Network security, firewall, next generation firewall
In the last few years, due to the rapid evolution of internet
and its applications the number of users has exponentially
increased and the users’ utilization to the internet has also
changed dramatically [1]. More sophisticated protection systems are needed to protect internet users from emerging threats
in which traditional firewall are not efficient. Firewalls are
security devices that monitor and control the flow of network
traffic based on a set of predefined rules. To block current
and emerging threats such as botnets and targeted attacks,
more proactive firewalls are needed. To protect network systems from more sophisticated attacks any organization need
to update their firewall and intrusion prevention/detection
capabilities [2]. Deep packet inspection intrusion prevention
systems (IPSs) can protect against known attacks that target
operating systems and software but cannot successfully detect
or block the misuse of applications. Gartner Research uses
the term ”next generation firewall” to indicate the evolution
of firewall that deals with the emerging network security
threats compromising the network systems [3]. For example,
botnets delivery methods have mostly been undetectable to
first generation firewall. The contributions of this paper are
• provide motivation and need of next generation firewall
for network security
• present a survey on recent advances in security threats
in network and countermeasures with next generation
• present different firewall technologies and their benefits
• provide the advantages of next generation firewall
• provide the current state of art techniques of NGFW for
different vendors (Palo alto, Fortinet, Check Point and so
on) in terms of security function and performance
This paper is organized as follows. Section II presents
the security goals and the types of advanced attacks. It also
provides an overview of firewalls and addresses the need
of next generation firewalls. Section III highlights the Next
Generation Firewall (NGFW) and its application in different
layers. Section IV discusses recent advancements in the next
generation firewall and advantages of NGFW over traditional
firewall. Finally, conclusion and future scope are presented in
Section V.
A. Security Requirements
The primary network security requirements and their objectives are summarized in Table I:
TABLE I: Network Security Goals
Requirements Specific Objective
Confidentiality Ensure that the sensitive information are limited to
authorized user only
Authenticity Ensure that the identity of the subject or resource
is the identity claimed
Integrity Ensure that information is kept accurate and
consistent unless authorized changes are made
Availability Ensure that information is available to authorized
user whenever needed
B. Types of Attacks
Traditional firewalls mainly deal with network and transport layers, block IP addresses, and protocol ports to tackle
traditional types of cyber-attacks which were visible and opportunistic. Recently, the cyber-attacks are becoming stealthier, targeted, and focused on applications and their sensitive
data [4]. To defend the application-based complex attacks a
new generation of firewalls is required as threat move up the
OSI layers. Many next generation firewalls have the capability
to inspect all traffic but are not equally able to scale, integrate,
978-1-5386-6133-8/18/$31.00 c 2018 IEEE
Victim Network
Fig. 1: Attacks Model: Who and Why?
and detect advanced attack methodologies. Figure 1 highlights
the types of attackers and the motivation for such attacks.
The following are the emerging threats that are vulnerable
to traditional firewalls that led to the evolution of the next
generation firewalls:
1) Advanced Evasion Technique: The type of network
attack that combines different evasion methods to create new
attack technique over several layers simultaneously. Advanced
Evasion Techniques (AETs) disguise malicious payloads by
splitting them into smaller frames and sending frames across
rarely used protocols. AET attacks operate silently and hide
from traditional firewalls in legitimate traffic and ports leaving
no traces of the attacker’s action [5]. Figure 2 shows how
advanced evasion techniques work by fragmenting codes and
sending them through unexpected ports to execute the attack
on the network.
2) Targeted Cyber-Attacks: Targeted cyber-attacks are malicious attacks in which tNfic individual or systems rather than
an entire network while maintaining the anonymity. These
attacks are not well known but expected to actively pursue and
compromise a target infrastructure. The malicious actor first
identifies, collects and gathers publicly available information
of the target. Based on the gathered information, then the
attackers conduct APTs to get deeper and deeper into a target’s
individual or network [6]. To infiltrate into target’s infrastructure, the attacker can use various methods such as phishing
email, zero day attack, social engineering components and
platform to entice targets. Attackers can adapt themselves to
counter victim’s defenses by adapting, modifying, and refining
their method of attacks. The ultimate goal of these attacks is
stealing sensitive information rather than causing damage to
the network [7]. In Figure 3, the six stages of a targeted attack
are shown to explain how attackers get into the target network.
Each stage of targeted attack has different features that affect
the network. These features are presented as follows:
(a) Intelligence Gathering: the first stage of a targeted attack
is to collect information about the internal or external
target network.
Fig. 2: a) Attackers apply AETs to disguise their attack, b)
AET penetrates the target individual or network undetected
successfully and continue APT attacks, and c) APTs are
targeted attacks on individual or system which require high
order of stealth over long period of time for successful
2. Point of Entry
Fig. 3: Components of targeted attacks
(b) Point of Entry: the most effective technique attackers
deploy to enter into the target network is spear phishing
and watering hole attacks. Apart from the initial point of
entry, different target network segments are continuously
targeted to increase the chances of successful attack.
(c) Command and Control: attacker use internal servers to
control a compromised machine before progressing to
other compromised machines inside the target network.
(d) Lateral Movement: includes the use of a legitimate system
to steal sensitive information and keep activities hidden
after establishing their presence within the target network.
(e) Maintenance: after gaining access to the target network, the attackers ensure that their presence remains
undetected and access remains available by installing a
backdoor or using command and control servers to enter
the target network.
(f) Data Exfiltration: The ultimate goal is to extract confidential information from compromised machine(s) in the
target network.
3) Web Application Attacks: web applications vulnerability
using injection attacks have been considered to be the number
one source of threats for almost a decade. The major threat
vector for a website is that web applications have no access
restrictions. The advancement of Web2.0, use of social
networking to share information, and organizations’ adoption
of web has played a major role in increasing web application
attacks. According to the 2015 Web Application Attack
Report (WAAR), the major source of web application attacks
is cross-site scripting and SQL Injection attacks which make
up more than 50% of the attacks. The web application attack
area is highly dynamic, multi-faceted, and has the potential
to go up further to the top of security threats in the near
future [8].
4) Data Focused Attacks: The main reason for initiating
attacks is to steal confidential data and exfiltrate it from the
targeted networks. Even with the advancements in data collection, filtering and forensic analysis, it is extremely difficult to
estimate the amount of compromised data. Most of the victims
do not know which of their sensitive data was compromised,
therefore, focusing on data flow is critical to protect any
individual or system against data breaches [1].
According to Verizon 2015 Data Breach Investigation report, the total financial loss from 700 million compromised
data was about 400 million dollar in which 70 countries
were involved [9]. More than 70% of incidents of cyberespionage pattern have featured phishing. Table II highlights
the most trending cyber-threats in 2015 and the change in their
popularity compared to the threats of 2014.
C. Advanced Threats Patterns
Attackers inspect how their targets secure their networks and
find a way to bypass and impose security threats as discussed
in Table III.
A. Motivation
To know more about the need of next generation firewalls,
it is essential to know its history. The first generation firewalls,
developed in early 1990’s, were not designed to inspect
TABLE II: Trending cyber-threats in 2015 compared to 2014
1 Malware ⇑
2 Web Based Attack ⇑
3 Web Application Attack ⇑
4 Botnets ⇓
5 Denial of Service ⇑
6 Physical Damage ⇔
7 Insider Threat ⇑
8 Phishing ⇔
9 Spam ⇓
10 Exploits Kits ⇑
11 Data Focused Attack ⇔
12 Identity Theft ⇔
13 Information Leakage ⇑
14 Ransomeware ⇑
15 Cyber Espionage ⇑
Notation: ⇑ Increasing, ⇓ Decreasing, ⇔ Same
network web traffic that uses internet to connect to applications
and other sensitive information. With the exponential increase
in network threats, the effectiveness of the first generation
firewalls have been limited. Figure 4 represents the major
market drivers which paved the way for the evolution of the
next generation firewalls.
85% Traffic are HTTP– HTTPS Based Increase use of Web2.0 Applications
Sophistication of modern thread Decrease of complexities
Lack of interoperability
Market Drivers
Fig. 4: Market Drivers
The drawbacks of the first generation firewalls which led to
the evolution of the next generation firewalls are summarized
as follows:
• Unable to protect against emerging threats like botnets
and targeted cyber attacks.
• Failure to examine real-time web traffic.
• Unable to facilitate the clustering of firewall which limits
its scalability.
• Inefficient and expensive management.
• Limited network operability, only functional over the
network and transport layers.
B. Evolution of Firewall
To understand the evolution of the next generation firewalls,
it is warranted to address the different types of firewalls.
Table IV summaries the different types of firewalls in terms of
their main characteristics, range of operation within the OSI
layer, design type, and capabilities. As depicted from Table IV,
these firewalls differ significantly. For example, the next
generation firewall uses deep packet inspection that combines
intrusion prevention systems and other more advanced network
TABLE III: Advanced Threats Patterns
Technology How AET bypass? How NGFW works?
Antivirus Antivirus and antimalware work on endpoint
devices. Threats bypass antivirus and
antimalware by hiding activities in trusted
systems and processes
With application awareness, an NGFW analyze application traffic
and report the potential threats by detecting malicious applications
tunneling inside legitimate applications. Traditional firewall is limited
to IP address and port.
Legacy Firewall Advanced threats disguise activity as
ordinary HTTP traffic or encrypt their data
With the feature of application-specific content in NGFW, it can
inspect encrypted traffic for malware by decrypting the packet stream.
Network Security Device Advanced threats planted internally open
holes through firewall and network security.
Because of access to user accounts, hackers
bypass internal network access controls.
Most holes are created with command and control channel applications using well known ports, which can be detected by filtering
application data. NGFW are capable of detecting outbound control
and command protocols used by botnets
traffic flow control which is the core of all the new generation
of stateful firewalls [11].
The management of the first generation firewalls became
a major source of security threat. To secure the network
from current and emerging threats the blend of powerful
traffic inspection capabilities, simple management, and high
accessible capabilities firewalls are needed. To overcome the
shortcoming of the first generation firewalls, according to
Gartner Research, next generation firewalls should have the
following attributes [3]:
• Must leverage all capabilities of existing firewalls
• Must integrate the intrusion prevention system and firewall capabilities
• Must integrate deep packet inspection
• Application based awareness
• Support for inline configurations
C. Future advanced features needed for next generation firewall
Next generation firewalls must have the following advanced
features to analyze and inspect traffic in a fine level of
1) Encrypted traffic control: SSL/TLS provides authentication but creates blind spot which challenges traditional layered
defenses. This help attackers to leverage SSL tunnels to inject
malware into the network, hide command and control traffic
and steal confidential data [12]. Therefore, next generation
firewalls must have the ability to decrypt and inspect SSL/TLS
traffic to eliminate blind spots threats. Gartner estimates that
more than 50% of the attacks will use SSL/TLS by 2017 [13].
2) Port hopping: Attackers often use random port hopping
to get beyond traditional firewalls. Thus, the next generation
firewall must be able to detect those ports when being used.
3) Application control: the next generation firewall should
not look at layer 3 and layer 4 header rather it must be more
application aware, so that it has the ability to restrict access
to web apps.
4) Identity based control: the next generation firewall must
be able to map specific security policies to defined user groups
and individuals.
5) URL filtering: the next generation firewall must be able
to restrict web surfing to limit the exposure to harmful and
inappropriate sites.
6) Data leakage protection: the next generation firewall
must be able to restrict the egress of confidential data.
7) WiFi network control: the next generation firewall must
ensure that Wi-Fi networks have the same level of security
stance and abilities.
8) Network access control: the next generation firewall
must ensure that each connecting end point device has appropriate security.
9) WAN Routing & Optimization: the next generation firewall should be backed by QoS and priority capabilities.
D. How traditional firewall fails and why next generation
firewall is the solution?
Firewalls can control the flow of network traffic based on
a set of routing rules and block DoS attacks. However, they
cannot identify the attacker intention by looking inside the
packets information to detect malware and help protect the
network from threats. Table V summaries the shortcoming of
traditional firewalls that are addressed by the next generation
TABLE IV: Generation of Firewall
Generation 1st 2nd 3rd Next Generation
Firewall Type Packet Filter Stateful Packet Inspection Application Proxy Deep Packet Inspection
OSI Layer Transport Layer Transport Layer Application Layer Application Layer
Main Functions Filter packets
based on source
and destination IP
addresses, port and
Filter based on state and
context of packets. Keeps
track of each traffic using
state table
Different proxy required for
each service allowed. Acts as
middleman between source
and destination to reestablish
a new session
Looks deeps into packet and makes granular
access control decisions based on packet
header and payload. Excels in managing application and data driven threats. Incorporates
intrusion detection and prevention technology
TABLE V: Traditional Firewall Vs Next Generation Firewall
Goals Traditional Firewall Next Generation Firewall
Prevent Advanced Persistent Attacks • Only part of network security
supplemented with IPS, URL
filtering, gateway antimalwaremalware products
• Separately managing security tools
is expensive
• Offer complete set of security technologies in one
• Combine all features of traditional firewall
• Integrated package is easy to install, configure,
deploy and manage as a unit which reduces
administrative cost
Inspect SSL Traffic • Cannot decrypt and inspect SSL
• Attacker can create SSL tunnels
inside out to exchange command
and control message
• Use Deep Packet Inspection technology to decrypt
and inspect SSL traffic in both inbound and outbound
• Detect and block botnet command and control
• Prevent advanced persistent threats using SSL
Control Web Applications • Not application aware
• Application control is a serious
• Offer application intelligence and control
• Recognize specific application
• Provide chart to visualize and control traffic by
Manage Users & Use Policy • No correlation of network traffic
with users
• Allow application control at user group and
individual level
• Impose acceptable policies at high level of granularity
• Allow to identify traffic by user and user group
who pose security threats or involuntarily affect
productivity through traffic visualization
Trade off Security vs Performance • Administrator turn off monitor on
specific ports, disable firewall rule
and limit deep packet inspection
which affect performance
• Parallel processing hardware architecture
• Apply efficient approaches
A. Palo Alto Next Generation Firewall
Drastic change in application usage, user behavior, and
complex network infrastructure create vulnerabilities in traditional port based network security. Data center expansion,
network virtualization, and mobility are imposing an initiation
to protect the networks from new and more advanced persistent threats such as botnets and targeted cyber-attacks. Palo
Alto Next Generation Firewall is the core of next generation
security platforms designed to address the emerging threats.
The next generation firewall inspects all traffic including
application, threats and content and ties them to the user.
Palo Alto next generation security platform discover unknown
threats, reduce response time to incident and streamline security deployment [14]. The following are the important features
of the Palo Alto next generation firewall:
• Enable application, content and user by classifying traffic,
allow and protect access to SaaS applications
• Eliminate unsolicited application by reducing threat footprint and block known advanced persistent threats by
applying targeted security policy
• Protect data center by validating application, isolation of
rouge application and high speed threat prevention
• Deploy, enforce and maintain security policies with increased visibility and control for cloud computing environment
• Extend next generation security platform to user and
devices regardless of geographic location
B. Vendor to Vendor Feature Comparison
The features of different firewall vendors are compared in
terms of performance, application control, intrusion prevention
systems, security, and flexibility in Table VI.
Figure 5 illustrates the 2015 firewall market share percentages allocated to different vendors.
Palo Alto
Juniper Networks
Fig. 5: 2015 NGFW Market Share [18]
TABLE VI: Vendor to Vendor Features Comparison
Palo Alto [14] Fortinet [15] Check Point [16] Juniper Networks [17]
Performance Use of the shelf processor Built FortiASIC processor
integrated with IPS, app
control, VPN, antivirus
No ASIC related security or
hardware acceleration
No ASIC related security or
hardware acceleration
Capable of controlling more
than 1300 applications
Full visibility and granular
control of more than 1900
apps and protocols including
Need to buy separate
application control software
based on requirement
Limited support of
application control
Inferior IPS, VPN and
firewall performance. Limited
signature coverage
Advance FortiASIC security
processor to optimize content
Inferior IPS, firewall and
VPN performance
Inferior IPS, firewall and
VPN performance
Does not offer UTM security
functionality and user third
party agreement for content
Offer UTM security
Does not offer UTM security
functionality and user third
party agreement for content
Does not offer UTM security
functionality and user third
party agreement for content
Cannot support large service,
no modular flexibility
Support small to large
enterprise and service
providers, flexible modularity
Complex distributed network
security deployment and
feature development
Complex distributed network
security deployment and
feature development
The next generation firewall offer more accessibility to
network traffic, operability across the OSI layers, and advanced features to protect the networking infrastructure against
emerging threats. In this paper, the network security goals and
emerging network threats were summarized. The discussion
mainly focused on the technology implemented in NGFW
for network security. In addition, the advantages of next
generation firewall in comparison with traditional firewall were
further discussed and the advanced features of NGFW were
highlighted. Finally, a comparison of current state technique
and different NGFW available in market was provided highlighting their various parameters such as security function and
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