Outline for Final Loss Across the Lifespan Paper

The purpose of this paper is to integrate the theory and practice principles we have learned and to apply them to a living persons experience of loss. The outline below is provided as a guide, not a rigid format. Each subsection should be labeled, but not all questions are appropriate to your respondents loss. The order is not prescribed- flow of the papers narrative is more important than answering questions in order. Although this is a formal paper and proper grammar, syntax, spelling and citation are expected, you may use I judiciously (especially in the summary). The paper itself is typically 10-15 pages, not including the interview.

I. The Respondent: Describe the persons demographics, their developmental age and functioning, and your relationship to the respondent. What intersectional identities impact their loss or their mourning of it?

II. The Loss: Describe the persons loss, both referring to the words they used (in the transcript, but also your classification of the loss (ie a disenfranchised loss of a loved pet during the adolescent years)).

III. Application of Grief Theory: Think about the information you elicited about how the person experienced their loss and particularly how they believed their grief process evolved. Try to use several sections of the transcript to show the evolution of the grief process over time while possibly applying the questions below to a section or two (remember, each question is not appropriate for all losses).

A. Does the persons trajectory of grief fit better within classical grief theories, task or process oriented models of grief- classical, or newer post-modern models (Disenfranchised grief; Continuing Bonds; Meaning- making)? (Use appropriate professional literature)

B. How do spirituality/ culture or other aspects play a role in the persons grief process and/ or meaning- making?

C. What area/s did the person struggle with as their grief evolved and what factors do you assess as critical to why they had more difficulty in those areas?

IV Application of Practice:

A. If you were providing grief work services to this person just after their loss, what models/ theories would inform your assessment and treatment plan? Integrate professional literature.

B. What do you believe the persons needs continue to be in regards to this loss and what would you recommend professionally to help?

V. Summary:

How do you perceive this persons loss overall?

What did you learn from this experience interviewing them?


15 points- evidence of competent interview and transcription (5 points for flow (open-ended questions); 5 for following respondents lead; 5 for completeness) THIS PART IS GRADED IN THE FIRST PART OF THE ASSIGNMENT _ INTERVIEW AND TRANSCRIPT

15 points- shows analysis of the loss within the theoretical frameworks of loss (5 points for identification of types of loss; 5 for use of relevant loss theories; 5 for analysis)

10 points- shows evidence of skilled application to practice planning (5 for appropriate plan; 5 for connection to the theoretical assessment as driving the intervention)

10 points- follows instructions, has accurate grammar, syntax, citation and writing.


Outline for Final Loss Across the Lifespan Paper
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