You must include personal life experiences for each question and connect those. For example , if one were to include question (1) from “ general”, they would discuss their preferred topic of wisdom and then reflect on a life experience that best illuminates that topic of wisdom.
Question 1: In your view, how does wisdom contribute to pursuing a good life?
Question 2: think of a person in your life whom you believe is wise. What characteristics make that person wise? What habits do they practice?
Question 3:what are the good habits that must be formed for you to achieve that goal?
Question 4: what is your strategy if you fail to achieve your goal?
Question5: do you believe that knowledge is sufficient for wisdom? Why?
Question 6: can you think of a good habit that may help you better seek valuable knowledge over entertainment? What is that good habit and how can you implement it in your life?
Question 7:do you believe intellectual humility is difficult to practice? Why? Describe one example in your life in which you either succeeded or failed at the practice of intellectual humility.
Question 8: do you feel uncomfortable with the fact that some of your beliefs are false? Why?
Question 9: what type of strategy can you employ to help overcome some of your biases?
Question 10:do you think that recognizing and admitting ”myside” biases could help correct the polarization in contemporary culture?
Question 11: think about a controversial topic in which you hold strong beliefs. Do you find it difficult to be charitable to opposing view? Why?
Question 12: can you think of anyone in your life whom you consider intellectually charitable? What characteristics does that person possess?
Question 13: Do you think that rhetoric is manipulative? Why?
Question 14: Do you think that rhetoric is about seeking the truth? Why?