Description of Assignment: Students will select one of the following tasks to complete, depending on their interest or engagement with the topic. This task constitutes 60% of this portfolio. Choose the task below that you are most interested in, or that you think you can do your best work in. Briefs for each task are here.

Grading Criteria (What constitutes a good assignment?):

A full rubric is found below, but assessments will be judged on:

How well the key issues in the task brief are addressed

Criticality and creativity of the submission (relevant to the task brief)

Presentation and professionalism of the submission



Very High Quality


Adequate (Pass)









90% +





Ave Score






Presentation and Professionalism


Paper demonstrates concise and consistent writing. Transitions between ideas are handled well.

Formatting is appropriate and writing is free of grammar and spelling errors. Paper is well structured.

Excellent consideration is given to the aesthetics of the submission. Excellent levels of professionalism.

References are clear and correctly created.

Paper is organized and clear. Errors do not detract from overall ideas. Could have used better transitions between ideas. Some grammar or spelling errors.

Clear consideration is given to the aesthetics of the submission. Good levels of professionalism.

Paper is well structured. References are passable but could be more complete.

Paper is organized and clear. Errors do not detract from overall ideas. Could have used better transitions between ideas. Some grammar or spelling errors.

Minor consideration is given to the aesthetics of the submission.

Report conforms to structure set out in the syllabus. Basic references.

Writing needs outside support. The main ideas are getting lost as a result of the grammar and spelling errors.

Report is poorly presented with no structure.

Little consideration is given to the aesthetics of the submission.

Referencing is poor, incomplete and/or not done correctly

Insufficient or no work.

Key Issues Addressed


All issues listed in the brief are excellently addressed. Attention to detail in each issue is excellent, with several areas of the issue considered. Elaboration upon the issue is extensive.

All issues listed in the brief are well addressed. Attention to detail in each issue is good, with several areas of the issue considered. Some elaboration on the issue is seen.

All issues listed in the brief are addressed. Attention to detail in each issue is acceptable. Little elaboration is seen on each issue.

Some issues listed in the brief are not addressed. Attention to detail is lacking, with little thought given to some areas. No clear elaboration upon issues.

Insufficient or no work.

Criticality and/or Creativity.

20 pts

Criticality: Analysis of the task is excellently balanced, with clear evidence of relevant further research. Analysis shows excellent understanding of ideas discussed.

Creativity: Submission is extremely creative, showing excellent evidence of innovation. Submission goes above and beyond, far exceeding expections of the task.

Criticality: Analysis of the task is well balanced, with clear evidence of further research. Analysis shows good understanding of ideas discussed.

Creativity: Submission is creative, showing good evidence of innovation. Submission exceeds initial expections of the task.

Criticality: Analysis of the task is somewhat balanced, with some evidence of further research. Analysis shows basic understanding of ideas discussed.

Creativity: Submission is creative, showing some evidence of innovation. Submission meets expections of the task.

Criticality: Analysis of the task is not balanced, with little to no evidence of further research. Analysis shows little understanding of ideas discussed.

Creativity: Submission is not creative, showing little evidence of innovation. Submission falls short of initial expections of the task.

Insufficient or no work.


Part 2 Submission
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