At UC, it is a priority that students are provided with strong educational programs and courses that allow them to be servant-leaders in their disciplines and communities, linking research with practice and knowledge with ethical decision-making. This assignment is a written assignment where students will demonstrate how this course research has connected and put into practice within their own career.
Provide a reflection of at least 500 words (or 2 pages double spaced) of how the knowledge, skills, or theories of this course have been applied, or could be applied, in a practical manner to your current work environment. If you are not currently working, share times when you have or could observe these theories and knowledge could be applied to an employment opportunity in your field of study.
- Provide a 500 word (or 2 pages double spaced) minimum reflection.
- Use of proper APA formatting and citations. If supporting evidence from outside resources is used those must be properly cited.
- Share a personal connection that identifies specific knowledge and theories from this course.
- Demonstrate a connection to your current work environment. If you are not employed, demonstrate a connection to your desired work environment.
You should not provide an overview of the assignments assigned in the course. The assignment asks that you reflect how the knowledge and skills obtained through meeting course objectives were applied or could be applied in the workplace.
Readings/Topics | Assignments and Due Dates | |
Sobolieva, Holionko, N. G., Batenko, L. P., &Reshetniak, T. I. (2021). Global technology trends through patent data analysis. IOP Conference Series. Materials Science and Engineering, 1037(1), 12059–.
Scherz, Hahn, J., &Ladikas, M. (2019). Technology Assessment in a Globalized World. Management Systems in Production Engineering, 27(3), 149–152. Demeter. (2017). Research in global operations management: some highlights and potential future trends. Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 28(3), 324–333. |
UC Plagiarism Pledge (40)
Introduction Discussion (0) Week 1 Discussion (20) All assignments are due starting on the first Unit by Sunday night 11:59 PM |
Kvedarienė. (2019). Strategic technology management within global value systems. Open Economics (Walter de Gruyter & Co.), 2(1), 43–52.
Thompson. (2019). Opportunities and Challenges in Applying Distributed Ledger Technologies in Global Supply Chains for Social Good. Frontiers in Blockchain, 2. Whitaker, Ekman, P., & Thompson, S. (2017). How Multinational Corporations Use Information Technology to Manage Global Operations. The Journal of Computer Information Systems, 57(2), 112–122. |
Week 2 Discussion (20)
Due: Sunday night 11:59 PM |
Chang, Iakovou, E., & Shi, W. (2020). Blockchain in global supply chains and cross border trade: a critical synthesis of the state-of-the-art, challenges and opportunities. International Journal of Production Research, 58(7), 2082–2099.
Hooper, &Holtbrügge, D. (2020). Blockchain technology in international business: changing the agenda for global governance. Review of International Business and Strategy, 30(2), 183–200. |
Week 3 Discussion (20)
Due: Sunday night 11:59 PM |
Mastering Blockchain
Ignat. (2017). Digitalization and the global technology trends. IOP Conference Series. Materials Science and Engineering, 227(1), 12062–. Frank Febiri, & Miloslav Hub. (2021). Digitalization of Global Economy: A Qualitative Study Exploring Key Indicators use to Measure Digital Progress in the Public Sector. SHS Web of Conferences, 92, 05006–.
Week 4 Research Week 4 Research Paper (20)
Due: Sunday night 11:59 PM |
Ebert, Vizcaino, A., &Manjavacas, A. (2020). IT Governance. IEEE Software, 37(6), 13–20.
Kano. (2017). Global value chain governance: A relational perspective. Journal of International Business Studies, 49(6), 684–705. Chou, & Liao, J.-L. (2017). IT governance balancing global integration and local responsiveness for multinational companies. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 28(1-2), 32–46.
Week 5 Discussion (20)
Due: Sunday night 11:59 PM |
Reuber, Knight, G. A., Liesch, P. W., & Zhou, L. (2018). International entrepreneurship: The pursuit of entrepreneurial opportunities across national borders. Journal of International Business Studies, 49(4), 395–406.
Anwar. (2017). Alibaba: Entrepreneurial growth and global expansion in B2B/B2C markets. Journal of International Entrepreneurship, 15(4), 366–389. Harrison, Burnard, K., & Paul, S. (2018). Entrepreneurial leadership in a developing economy: a skill-based analysis. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 25(3), 521–548. Residency Weekend – (2/17/2022 – 2/19/2022) |
Week 6 Research Paper (20)
Practical Connection Assignment (100)
Due: Sunday night 11:59 PM |
Cugmas, Ferligoj, A., &Žiberna, A. (2018). Generating global network structures by triad types. PloSOne, 13(5), e0197514–e0197514.
Jurowetzki, Lema, R., &Lundvall, B.-Å. (2018). Combining Innovation Systems and Global Value Chains for Development: Towards a Research Agenda. European Journal of Development Research, 30(3), 364–388. Fejerskov, &Fetterer, D. (2021). Disrupting Development? A Situated Perspective on Technology and Innovation in Global Development. Progress in Development Studies, 21(3), 231–243. |
Week 7 Discussion (20)
Due: Sunday night 11:59 PM |
Bratt, Sroufe, R., & Broman, G. (2021). Implementing Strategic Sustainable Supply Chain Management. Sustainability (Basel, Switzerland), 13(15), 8132–.
GLOBAL PHENOMENON OF THREATS AND RISK MANAGEMENT IN MANAGEMENT AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES. (2021). Issues in Information Systems. Brownsword, &Somsen, H. (2021). Law, innovation and technology: fast forward to 2021. Law, Innovation and Technology, 13(1), 1–28. |
Week 8 Research Paper (20)
Due: Sunday night 11:59 PM |
Fox. (2019). Mobile Technology: A Tool to Increase Global Competency Among Higher Education Students. International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning, 20(2).
Study: 5G to account for 15% of global mobile industry by 2025. (2019). EE: Evaluation Engineering, 58(4), 6. William M Lawrence, & Matthew W Barnes. (2019). 5G Mobile Broadband Technology-America’s Legal Strategy to Facilitate Its Continuing Global Superiority of Wireless Technology. Intellectual Property & Technology Law Journal, 31(5), 3–16.
Week 9 Discussion (20)
Due: Sunday night 11:59 PM |
Counte. (2019). Future Trends in Global Health. The Global Healthcare Manager: Competencies, Concepts, and Skills (1st ed.). Health Administration Press.
Davis. (2018). PLAN STRATEGICALLY TO WORK GLOBALLY. Physician Leadership Journal, 5(4), 46–50.
Week 10 Research Paper (20)
Due: Sunday night 11:59 PM |
Arora. (2016). Bottom of the data pyramid: Big data and the global South. International Journal of Communication, 10, 1681–1699. Bischof, &Wilfinger, D. (2019). Big Data-Enhanced Risk Management. Transactions of FAMENA, 43(2), 73–84.
Discussion 7: Big Data
Due: Sunday night 11:59 PM
Week 11 Discussion (20) ue: Sunday night 11:59 PM |
Barika, Garg, S., Zomaya, A., Wang, L., Moorsel, A., & Ranjan, R. (2019). Orchestrating Big Data Analysis Workflows in the Cloud: Research Challenges, Survey, and Future Directions. ACM Computing Surveys, 52(5), 1–41.
Li. (2017). Educational Policy Development in China for the 21st Century: Rationality and Challenges in a Globalizing Age. Chinese Education and Society, 50(3), 133–141.
Kozlov, &Noga, N. (2019). The Method of Assessing the Level of Compliance of Divisions of the Complex Network for the Corporate Information Security Policy Indicators. 2019 Twelfth International Conference “Management of Large-Scale System Development” (MLSD), 1–5.
Week 13 Discussion (20)
Due: Sunday night 11:59 PM |
PERNICE. (2018). Global cybersecurity governance: A constitutionalist analysis. Global Constitutionalism, 7(1), 112–141. Kuhn. (2018). 147 Million Social Security Numbers for Sale: Developing Data Protection Legislation After Mass Cybersecurity Breaches. Iowa Law Review, 104(1), 417–445. Stoykov, Dimitrova, S., &Marinov, R. (2019). The Development of Educational Capacity of Human Resources in the Field of Security – Main Priority of National Security. 2019 International Conference on Creative Business for Smart and Sustainable Growth (CREBUS), 1–
Begin Final Research Paper | |
Shaverdian. (2019). Start With Trust: Utilizing Blockchain to Resolve the Third-Party Data Breach Problem. UCLA Law Review, 66(5), 1242–.
Chatfield, & Reddick, C. G. (2018). Crowdsourced cybersecurity innovation: The case of the Pentagon’s vulnerability reward program. Information Polity, 23(2), 177–194.
Final Research Paper (100) |