Personal Emergency Preparedness Plan (September 2020 Update)
Personal Emergency Preparedness Plan (September 2020 Update)CriteriaRatingsPtsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIDENTIFICATION OF POTENTIAL HAZARDSYour plan should identify potential hazards based upon the geographic region where you live.

10 to >8.0 ptsExceeds Expectations
The plan identifies potential hazards in exceptional detail.
8 to >5.0 ptsMeets Expectations
The plan identifies potential hazards in sufficient detail.
5 to >0 ptsDoes Not Meet Expectations
The plan does not identify potential hazards in sufficient detail.10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeFAMILY CONSIDERATIONSYour plan should address provisions for family members with disabilities, any children, college students (children), religious concerns, and plans to care for pets.

50 to >45.0 ptsExceeds Expectations
The plan addresses provisions for family members with disabilities, any children, college students (children), religious concerns, and plans to care for pets with exceptional detail.
45 to >35.0 ptsMeets Expectations
The plan addresses provisions for family members with disabilities, any children, college students (children), religious concerns, and plans to care for pets with sufficient detail.
35 to >0 ptsDoes Not Meet Expectations
The plan does not address provisions for family members with disabilities, any children, college students (children), religious concerns, and plans to care for pets with sufficient detail.50 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDISASTER SUPPLIES CHECKLISTPut together a list of basic disaster supplies that you will need during an emergency; Consider locations to store your kit for different situations; Identify someone in your community or family that you can assist in doing the same

10 to >8.0 ptsExceeds Expectations
Plan includes a Disaster Supply Checklist and provides detailed information as to the storage of the supplies and the individuals involved in gathering the needed supplies. It is obvious that the information is considered and planned thoroughly by addressing all needs as presented by
8 to >5.0 ptsMeets Expectations but Additional Detail Could be Included
Plan includes a Disaster Supply Checklist but additional information is needed to fully address this section.
5 to >0 ptsDoes Not Meet Expectations
It appears that a Disaster Supply Checklist is provided but it is obvious that there is no attention to detail when compiling this section; OR No Checklist is provided and/or is not clearly presented in the project.10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDIETARY NEEDSAre there any specific dietary needs for members of your family? If not, are there specific dietary considerations that should be addressed? Does anyone have allergies to specific foods? A section addressing these needs should be included and specific detail provided should these needs be prevalent for your family or friends.

10 ptsMeets Expectations
A section addressing dietary needs is included in the plan to include addressing whether this section is needed in the plan.
0 ptsDoes Not Meet Expectations
Dietary considerations are not included in the plan.10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeMEDICAL NEEDSThis section is intended to address any special medical needs for family or friends affected by this plan. Do any special medical concerns exist? If so, what provisions are necessary? For example, do you have an insulin depended diabetic? How will you obtain medications or supplies to care for the individual(s)?

10 ptsMeets Expectations
A section addressing medical needs is included in the plan to include addressing whether this section is needed in the plan.
0 ptsDoes Not Meet Expectations
Medical considerations are not included in the plan.10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeEMERGENCY ALERTS AND WARNINGSAddress how emergency alerts and warnings are received; What apps will be utilized; does every family member have access to receiving these alerts, or, if not, how will they receive the information? What contingencies are in place should cell service not be available?

10 to >8.0 ptsExceeds Expectations
Plan includes an Emergency Alert and Warnings section and provides detailed information as to the receipt of Emergency Alerts and Warnings, the apps utilized, the dissemination of the information to family members should access to Emergency Alerts and Warnings be a challenge; Thoroughly covers all concerns presented by for this section of the plan.
8 to >5.0 ptsMeets Expectations but Additional Detail Could be Included
Plan includes basic information on Emergency Alerts and Warnings but additional information is needed to fully address this section. No contingencies are addressed related to the lack of availability to cell service and use of mobile phones.
5 to >0 ptsDoes Not Meet Expectations
t appears that Emergency Alerts and Warnings are considered but it is obvious that there is no attention to detail when compiling this section; OR No information is provided and/or is not clearly presented in the project.10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePLANS FOR LOCATIONSYour plan should address plans and supplies for the places where you and members of your household go regularly. This section should address your personal and household plans based on what household members would do if an emergency occurred while they were at that location.

10 to >8.0 ptsExceeds Expectations
The plan exceeds expectations and includes detailed information for frequented locations that are visited regularly. It addresses, in detail, the personal and household plans based on what household members would do if an emergency occurred while they are at a frequented location.
8 to >5.0 ptsMeets Expectations but Additional Detail Could be Included
The plan meets expectations and includes information for frequented locations that are visited regularly. It addresses the personal and household plans based on what household members would do if an emergency occurred while they are at a frequented location. However, additional detail is needed in this section.
5 to >0 ptsDoes Not Meet Expectations
The does not meet expectations and does not include detailed information for frequented locations that are visited regularly. It does not address, in sufficient detail, the personal and household plans based on what household members would do if an emergency occurred while they are at a frequented location. OR The plan does not address plans for frequented locations.10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSHELTER PLANItems to consider for this section:

What is your shelter plan? What are the types of hazards present in your community? What are the appropriate sheltering locations for each hazard?

10 to >8.0 ptsExceeds Expectations
The plan includes a Shelter Plan section and provides detailed information as to the Shelter Plan, and the type of hazard is considered with associated locations for sheltering; Thoroughly covers all concerns presented by for this section of the plan.
8 to >5.0 ptsMeets Expectations but Additional Detail Could be Included
Plan includes basic information on a Shelter Plan but additional information is needed to fully address this section.
5 to >0 ptsDoes Not Meet Expectations
It appears that a Shelter Plan is considered but it is obvious that there is no attention to detail when compiling this section (types of hazards, appropriate locations); OR No information is provided and/or is not clearly presented in the project.10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeEVACUATION ROUTES/PLANItems to consider for this section:

What is your evacuation route? Be sure to address your evacuation plan before, during, and after your evacuation.

10 to >8.0 ptsExceeds Expectations
The plan includes an Evacuation Route section and provides detailed information as to pre-evacuation considerations, intra-evacuation considerations, and post-evacuation considerations; Thoroughly covers all concerns presented by for this section of the plan.
8 to >5.0 ptsMeets Expectations but Additional Detail Could be Included
Plan includes basic information on Evacuation Routes but additional information is needed to fully address this section.
5 to >0 ptsDoes Not Meet Expectations
It appears that an Evacuation Route is considered but it is obvious that there is no attention to detail when compiling this section (information to consider before an evacuation, during an evacuation, and after an evacuation); OR No information is provided and/or is not clearly presented in the project.10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCOMMUNICATION PLANtems to consider for this section:

What information should be collected? How will information be shared? What is your strategy to practice the Communication Plan to ensure all in your family and/or household receives the information and is able to communicate?

10 to >8.0 ptsExceeds Expectations
The plan includes a Communication Plan section and provides detailed information as to the information that is collected, the sharing of information, and rehearsal of the plan; Thoroughly covers all concerns presented by (Communication Plan Templates) for this section of the plan.
8 to >5.0 ptsMeets Expectations but Additional Detail Could be Included
Plan includes basic information on the Communication Plan but additional information is needed to fully address this section.
5 to >0 ptsDoes Not Meet Expectations
It appears that a Communication Plan is considered but it is obvious that there is no attention to detail when compiling this section (collecting information, sharing information, practicing plan); OR No information is provided and/or is not clearly presented in the project.10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDOCUMENTS/VALUABLES/PROPERTY INFORMATION/INSURANCE/FINANCESItems to consider for this section:

What critical documents and valuables do you need to preserve? Have you documented your valuable property to submit for loss?

10 to >8.0 ptsExceeds Expectations
The plan includes a Documents / Valuables / Property Information / Insurance / Finances section and provides detailed information as to the documents that are preserved/collected (Household, Financial/legal, Medical, Emergency, Valuables, Protection of Documents); Insurance concerns and documents; and Finances – Thoroughly covers all concerns presented by (Safeguard Critical Documents and Valuables Template) for this section of the plan.
8 to >5.0 ptsMeets Expectations but Additional Detail Could be Included
Plan includes basic information Documents, Valuables, Property Information, Insurance, and Finances but additional information is needed to fully address this section.
5 to >0 ptsDoes Not Meet Expectations
It appears that Documents, Valuables, Property Information, Insurance, and financial information is considered but it is obvious that there is no attention to detail when compiling this section (Safeguard Critical Documents and Valuables Template); OR No information is provided and/or is not clearly presented in the project10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCOMMUNITY ENGAGEMENTYour plan should address ways you and your family can get involved, especially before an emergency or disaster occurs. Possible community engagement opportunities may include joining a CERT, applicable FEMA trainings, NVOAD, Volunteer organizations, teaching preparedness curriculum in the community, promoting preparedness on social media, etc.

10 ptsMeets Expectations
The plan discusses plans to get involved and action items related to getting involved in the community.
0 ptsDoes Not Meet Expectations
The plan does not discuss community engagement.10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePRACTICE / COMMUNICATE / REVISIONSHow will you practice your plan? How often? How will you communicate your plan? Will your plan be revised? How often?

30 to >27.0 ptsExceeds Expectations
Plan includes a Practice, Communication, and Revisions section and provides detailed information as to the criteria for this section; Thoroughly covers all concerns presented by for this section of the plan.
27 to >21.0 ptsMeets Expectations but Additional Detail Could be Included
Plan includes basic information on Practicing, Communicating, and Revising but additional information is needed to fully address this section.
21 to >0 ptsDoes Not Meet Expectations
It appears that Practice, Communication, and Revision is considered but it is obvious that there is no attention to detail when compiling this section; OR No information is provided and/or is not clearly presented in the project.30 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePLAN FORMATTINGProfessional quality presentation of information is paramout so that the plan is easy to read and follow by those affected.

50 to >45.0 ptsExceeds Expectations
Plan is of professional quality – without grammar errors, punctuation errors, or formatting errors; Formatting of the plan is easy to follow and cleanly presented (is not presented as merely an academic paper with checklists and bullets). Exceptional creativity is evident.
45 to >35.0 ptsMeets Expectations but Additional Detail Could be Included
Plan includes some grammar errors, punctuation errors, or formatting errors; Plan is presented in a basic, plain format without sufficient organization and creativity included
35 to >0 ptsDoes Not Meet Expectations
Plan formatting has numerous formatting errors and it is apparent that sufficient time and/or effort has not been given to this project.50 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeEASE OF ACCESSThe ability to access the plan by those affected is paramount. Thus, it is important that this plan be readily accessible in an electronic format PRIOR to a disaster or emergency so that the most current copy can be reviewed and revised when necessary.

30 ptsMeets Expectations
The plan is easily accessible electronically by those affected by the plan.
0 ptsDoes Not Meet Expectations
The plan is not accessible in electronic format as a document, web page, shared drive, or other manner to promote ease of access.30 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTRANSFERABILITYSufficient detail should be provided in the plan so that it is transferable to any family member and in most situations. In other words, if the creator of the plan is not available to explain or lead during an emergency or disaster, can someone pick up the plan and follow it without difficulty?

10 ptsMeets Expectations
The plan provides exceptional detail making it transferable to any situation and to any member of the family.
0 ptsDoes Not Meet Expectations
The plan does not provide exceptional detail to make it transferable to any situation and to any member of the family.10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAPA FORMAT FOR RESOURCES INCLUDEDAll resources and materials should be appropriately cited utilizing the most current version of the APA format and style guide.

20 to >18.0 ptsExceeds Expectations
APA formatting of in-text citations and a reference list is included with minimal error.
18 to >14.0 ptsMeets Expectations but a Few APA formatting errors are present
2-3 errors are present in the APA in-text citations and/or reference list
14 to >0 ptsDoes Not Meet Expectations
4 or more errors are present in the APA in-text citation and/or reference list20 pts
Total Points: 300



Personal Emergency Preparedness Plan
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