Growing up in a business family and having my bachelor’s degree in Economics was a huge influence to pursue my next career step toward the business world in a professional manner.
I graduated from Kansas state university with a bachelor’s degree in Economics With a GPA of 3.0. I was involved in the economics and international business club. I had the chance to share my ideas and discuss more about economics issues with other students outside the classroom. I believe studying economics has perfectly matched my career aspirations and provided me with the understanding of mathematical and statistical skills. After I graduated I have been working at Amazon, one of the biggest companies in the world, to gain particular work experience in analyzing, communication and organizational skills.
I come from a diverse educational background and I believe your MBA program is a great fit for my career goals. Especially your MBA customization options and program evaluation. Which will give me the opportunity to practice my skills and possibly serve me well in terms of gaining initial career experience.
We face multiple challenges in Saudi Arabia as a growing country and collectivistic society. I would love to be a part of these challenges in order to achieve the 2030 vision of the Saudi government. Considering me to your MBA program will give me the steppingstone for my career goals.