DiscussionAssignment Instructions


Thestudent will complete four Discussions in this course. The student will postone thread of at least 450 words by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Thursday of the assignedModule: Week. The student must then post two replies of at least 250 words by11:59 p.m. (ET) on Sunday of the assigned Module: Week. For each thread, studentsmust support their assertions with at least two scholarly citations in Turabianformat. Each reply must incorporate at least two scholarly citations inTurabian format. Any sources cited must have been published within the lastfive years. Acceptable sources include the course readings and/or scholarlysources, such as books and peer-reviewed journal articles.



  • Identify one or more official policy actor(s) most responsible for the public policy issue that you are exploring and assess their role(s) in evaluating/implementing/blocking this public policy issue. Be specific.
  • Identify one or more unofficial policy actor(s) most responsible for the public policy issue that you are exploring and assess their role(s) in evaluating/implementing/blocking this public policy issue. Be specific.
  • Consider what kind of research may be useful in assessing your current policy or issue and tailoring it to the relevant actor or audience. (For example, is there a lack of current or relevant data on this issue? Are there externalities that have not been fully understood? Are there new academic perspectives that have not been taken into account in the policy process?)





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