Use these sources to ague that the discussion was wrong use in text citation Wright, R. George. 2023. “Counterman v. Colorado: True Threats, Speech Harms, and Missed Opportunities.” Social Science Research Network. Rochester, NY. July 7, 2023. https://doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.4503682.https://supreme.justia.com/cases/federal/us/600/22-138/ “Counterman v. Colorado.” n.d. American Civil Liberties Union. https://www.aclu.org/cases/counterman-v-colorado.OPINION OF THE COURT IN Counterman v. Colorado: Courts Must Consider Subjective Intent in Threatening Speech Cases. (2023). Supreme Court Debates, 26(6), 52–56.Should Courts Have to Consider Intent When Determining Whether an Internet Threat Is a Crime? (2023). Supreme Court Debates, 26(6), 29–38.