Observation #: | Date | Observer: | |
First Name of Teacher Observed: XXXXXXXXXXXXX | Subject: | Grade Level: |
#1 Context for Observation |
#2 Pre-Conference | |||||
2a. Focus of pre-conference
Which criteria may be evident during the observation?
How can the instructional framework be used to support this teacher? |
Criterion :
Standard | |||||
Learning Target | |||||
Students’ work samples that show current skill level and teacher explanation of progress to be made towards target. | |||||
Evidence that will show if students met learning target. | |||||
2b. Supervisory Behaviors during pre-conference (Indicate number of times used) | Listening | Clarifying | Encouraging | Reflecting | Presenting |
Problem Solving | Negotiating | Directing | Standardizing | Reinforcing | |
2c. Insights from Pre-conference |
#3 Environment for Observation | ||||
3a. Tools selected for use during observation
(attach observation tool) |
Qualitative | Quantitative | ||
3b. Evidence of students learning (or not learning): | Student work shows evidence of understanding, not just recall. Evidence? | |||
Students are engaged in activities to develop understanding and create personal meaning through reflection. Evidence? | ||||
Students apply knowledge in real-world contexts. Evidence? | ||||
Students are engaged in active participation, exploration, and research. Evidence? | ||||
Teachers utilize the diverse experiences of students to build effective learning experiences. Evidence? | ||||
Assessment tasks allow students to exhibit higher-order thinking. Evidence? | ||||
Students are presented with a challenging curriculum designed to develop depth of understanding. Evidence? | ||||
3c. Describe the learning environment of the classroom | Diverse learners were accommodated? Evidence: | |||
Students worked independently or collaboratively? Evidence: | ||||
Classroom was positive, “warm”, safe, and conducive to learning? Evidence: | ||||
Teacher used variety of questioning strategies?
Evidence |
Teacher expected high performance from all students? Evidence: | ||||
3d. Insights from Observation |
Did the lesson align with the Standard and support state goals (skills, knowledge, thinking, and applications)? Yes/No, Comments? | ||||
#4 Analysis of Data and Preparing for Post Conference: (must have data to support conference) | ||||
Data Analysis and Plan for Post Conference |
4a. Type of Conference | Directive | Directive Informational | Collaborative | Nondirective |
4b. “Pluses” | ||||
4b. “Areas of Focus” | ||||
4c. Plan for Post Conference
What are possible entry questions to a growth conversation? |
#5 Post Conference | |||||
5a. Focus | |||||
Was target met? What evidence was there of student learning? | |||||
5b. Supervisory Behaviors used during Post Conference | Listening | Clarifying | Encouraging | Reflecting | Presenting |
Problem Solving | Negotiating | Directing | Standardizing | Reinforcing | |
5c. Highlights of Post Conference | |||||
5d. Follow-up Plan (next steps) | |||||
Additional resources teacher will access: |
#6 Reflection | |
6a. What did you learn? Reference the intent of TPEP, the essential beliefs that drive the process, relationships and roles, critically important elements of the process | |
6b. What will you do differently in the future? | |
6c. How did the instructional framework support growth conversations? | |
Discuss rater agreement between you and your mentor principal | |
Discuss the self-assessment of this teacher | |
Discuss the goal setting of this teacher | |
List types of artifacts/evidence used in this teacher’s evaluation | |
Reflect on the final evaluation conference with this teacher |
Post Conference Conversation