This week, you will create a cultural portrait in PowerPoint. This Cultural Portrait will define who you are and how these “parts of self” might play a role in the work that you do. Your presentation will address the following themes:
- Who you are…
- Your intersecting identities.
- What these identities mean to you.
- How others (clients) may view these identities.
- How you envision these identities as part of your work as a therapist (positive and negative elements of these identities).
- A discussion on your own background or experiences that you feel might play a role in countertransference or reactivity with some clients.
- Your experience with empathy and compassion fatigue (and ways you feel you could minimize compassion fatigue).
- Strengths and weaknesses that you have that might play a role in your future work as a therapist.
Note: Feel free to be creative with this project. You are welcome to enter pictures, art, or music to fully represent yourself.
Length: 10-12 slides
References: Include a minimum of 4 scholarly resources.