Special Project Proposal and Objectives for Internship
Due Date: Must be turned in after the first week of your internship. Failure to do so will result in ten points being deducted off your final grade.
* Special Project is mandatory; objectives are part of the evaluation process.
Name: Aayushi Potla | Supervisor: Dr. Ricard |
Special Project (20% of your grade). Must be put into WORD or PowerPoint presentation format and turned in at the end of the semester by the deadline. For PowerPoint provide a minimum of 15 slides that does not include the title slide or references. For WORD provide a minimum of 15 pages and no greater than double spaced content. One inch maximum formatting for margins. You may provide pictures and charts but keep in mind that the content and the overall presentation appearance will be part of the grade. Simply providing 15 slides with a single sentence and picture on each will not be acceptable. You must have at least 3 peer reviewed research studies or Kinesiology related Textbooks as part of your references. Make this project look like 20% of your final grade. Special Project Proposal HERE:
Title: Evaluation of Loss of Balance among the Elderly |
Five objectives for evaluation – must be measurable and specific. Your objectives are the tasks you will be performing. Must state objective and how will measure. Example: Obtain skills to measure blood pressure during exercise and exercise testing. Supervisor will over read BP measurements. | |
1. Obtain the skills to evaluate balance in the elderly.
I should be able to use the balance evaluation tools such as the Tinetti gait and balance evaluation tool and the Berg Balance scale. I should also be able to compare the balance-related score with the Barthel`s index (Alghadir et al., 2018).
2. Identify the common causes of loss of balance among the elderly.
There are a variety of causes of balance issues among the older adults. Some of the causes are treatable while others the older adults have to learn to cope with them. Therefore, it is important to be able to identify the causes of loss of balance so that the treatable causes can be managed.
3. Identify the problems associated with loss of balance among the elderly.
Loss of balance is associated with falls. Falls among the elderly is a serious and a life-threatening complication. Also, falls are the leading cause of fatal injuries among the elderly. Also, loss of balance can be a sign of a serious medical condition (Osoba et al., 2019).
4. Learn the signs of balance problems among the elderly.
Early identifications of the signs of loss of balance among the elderly can prevent fatal falls and prevent the elderly from developing serious complications as a result of loss of balance. |
5. I should be able to identify the interventions that can help the elderly with balance.
Loss of balance leads to increased risk of falls among the elderly. Identifying the interventions that can help improve balance among the elderly will reduce the risk for falls and also improve the ability of the elderly to perform the activities of daily living (Thomas et al., 2019).
Alghadir, A. H., Al-Eisa, E. S., Anwer, S., & Sarkar, B. (2018). Reliability, validity, and responsiveness of three scales for measuring balance in patients with chronic stroke. BMC neurology, 18(1), 1-7.
Osoba, M. Y., Rao, A. K., Agrawal, S. K., & Lalwani, A. K. (2019). Balance and gait in the elderly: A contemporary review. Laryngoscope investigative otolaryngology, 4(1), 143-153.
Thomas, E., Battaglia, G., Patti, A., Brusa, J., Leonardi, V., Palma, A., & Bellafiore, M. (2019). Physical activity programs for balance and fall prevention in elderly: A systematic review. Medicine, 98(27).