Practice locating sources with alternative views in order to synthesize information and craft an effective rebuttal.
- Choose one article from our Student Selected Scholarly Articles
- Choose one claim or factual statement that the author makes in this article which is essential to his or her argument
- Attempt to verify or refute that claim with research:
- Search the Internet for one article, blog, website, etc. that contains information related to your topic. (You only need one Internet source.)
- Search GALILEO for one scholarly article that contains information related to your topic. (You only need one scholarly GALILEO source.)
- Note that the articles you select may be used in your essay as well, so choose wisely!
- Your discussion post, which should be at least 200 words, will include the following:
- The claim from your Student Selected Scholarly source, with an in-text (parenthetical) citation. You can present this claim as a direct quote or in summary.
- A verifying or refuting claim from your Internet article, with an in-text (parenthetical) citation. Again, you can present this claim as a direct quote or in summary.
- A verifying or refuting claim from your GALILEO source, with an in-text (parenthetical) citation. Again, you can present this claim as a direct quote or in summary.
- Then, identify the trustworthiness of your three sources, stating which source is most trustworthy, which is in the middle, and which is least trustworthy. Explain, for each source, what helped you determine how trustworthy each source was. (Remember, you may have to do some research on your sources, so use your C.R.A.A.P. test! Don’t simply state your sources are reputable because they all agree!)
- Finish your post with the three MLA formatted Works Cited entries for your sources. Make sure you use the correct MLA 9 formatting, including italics, but do not worry about creating the hanging indent!
- After posting, write and post a substantive reply to at least two of your classmates’ posts.
Criteria on which you will be graded:
- Answering the questions above in an initial post of at least 200 words
- Writing and posting a substantive reply to at least two of your classmates’ posts.
Practice locating sources with alternative views in order to synthesize information and craft an effective rebuttal. Task: Choose one article from our Student Selected Scholarly ArticlesChoose one cla