A: Proposal Instructions (essay Proposal & Outline MLA Format)
Send me the essay Proposal & Outline(Please mark the Thesis Statement in yellow)
This is a 1000-word Essay. The goal is to not only write around 1000 words (between 800 and
1200 words) but to write around 1000 purposefully chosen precise and concise words in
service of your thesis (argument).
This Essay and Research Proposal is meant to you for writing those purposefully.
chosen precise and concise words that serve your thesis (statement of your argument about
the primary text).
Your “Essay Research Proposal” assignment must contain, at minimum, the following:
- Your thesis statement;
- A breakdown of the scope that your writing will follow (also known as an organizing
statement) or a rewrite of your thesis statement with simpler wording;
- A traditional outline of at least two body paragraphs.
- A bibliography of primary and secondary sources you plan to use to support your
argument. This bibliography should contain annotations of at least:
- Two (2) secondary sources; or
- One (1) primary source not offered in this course and its bibliography and one
(1) primary source.
Clause 4 implies that you may have more than two (2) sources for your essay, but that you
must annotate at least two (2) of them.
B: Send me the Essay 1000-1200 words MLA Format
Write the essay on Stepmom” (1998), use A secondary source the text of “Harrison Bergeron”by Kurt Vonnegut (1961).
The story or film you choose is an example of a primary source. You must incorporate at least one relevant secondary source. A secondary source is defined as any document that draws on and interprets or analyses one or more primary sources. Examples of secondary sources include newspapers, encyclopedias, dictionaries, journal articles, class PowerPoint presentations, and textbooks. Secondary sources may also include other works of art containing ideas and/or arguments relevant enough to be employed in your written interpretation (via your argument) of your primary source.
Work Need to do:
- essay Proposal & Outline
- Essay 1000-1200 words