Narrative paper (5-7 pages)
For the contract group/project pick a consulting firm like Deloitte or a world wide known
one and pretend as though the group of consultants are having issues within the team
because of differences or issues with DEI etc. Whichever way you decide to address it
sample contract proposal for facilitation for a group/project in your current or future
professional context (imagined or real)
Guides thatit will be graded
Narrative paper (5-7 pages)
Student has fully evaluated the challenges with the proposed/actual facilitation and has addressed
those in their assignment.
Student has followed and addressed the requirements of the assignment in detail.
Student has provided appropriate citations and a reference page.
Student has presented their findings in a well-formatted, organized, and professional manner.
Please reference and use the skilled facilitator text by Roger Schwarz with apa i text citations and a
reference page for anyone else you site