This Psychosocial Assessment should be based on materials utilized in this course, and it
should draw upon the students knowledge, including through location of resources.
For the first Psychosocial Assessment (PS1), assignment which is due in the earlier part of the
course, students will be conducting the assessment with a child less than age 12
How must it look? How must it show integrity in your writing? In completing your
psychosocial assessment with your interviews, please adhere to APA (7th edition) for
formatting, accurate in-text citations, accurate referencing and exceptional professional
conduct in consumption of information. The paper should be 8 10 pages in length. This
does not include the title page or your reference page(s).
Components? This paper will consist of the 3 sections listed below (develop sub-sections as
needed to explore sections). Use course material (textbook, videos available in the Moodle
classroom under each week, supplemental resources in the Moodle classroom). Additionally
you must use 3 – 5 scholarly resources. Scholarly resources are sources from scholarly
journal articles, books, dissertations, things that have their own resource lists and research to
back up their statements. They also your references need to be peer reviewed articles. Web
research might not bring up the best that research has to offer in any given topic, so you are
strongly encouraged to seek resources within academic databases to which you have access,
such as Campbellsville University Montgomery Library. This digital library opens the door for
student in reaching books, journal articles, news articles, dissertations and more. The
textbook is sufficient overall guidance during the initial phase of selecting the two
developmental theories of human growth. For more in-depth look at any given topic, and
especially for social policies and for oppression, and for spirituality, find and use external
academic resources
The paper must be clearly and concisely written, guiding the reader smoothly through the
assessment linking the sections together congruently
During this interview, you are expected to separate personal thoughts/opinions from an
assessment, recognize and manage your personal values in a way that allows professional
values to guide your interactions with each person interviewed. You are not to use actual names
to protect the confidentiality of the persons interviewed. Use pseudo names. All work should
reflect your growth through human development and be presented in a professional manner.
Apply the mechanical guidelines listed below.
In list format, cover the following:
1. Name (alias, for confidential reasons)
2. Age
3. Sex
4. Race/Ethnic
5. Education/Occupation
6. Health
In paragraph format, cover the following:
7. Family of Origin
8. Current Family Composition
9. Support System
10. Community Interests/Involvement
11. Interests/Hobbies
The information students provide in this section should convey factual information, limiting
opinions. Based on and through supportive references this section should discuss the
1. Two-three theories/theorists to include a good working knowledge of social
environments affecting human behavioral aspects, as well as Person-In-Environment
(PIE) you identify in assessing your interviewee. Describe how each theory you have
chosen relates to your specific age group (Vygotsky, Piaget, Fisher, etc., or any other
theories of development relevant to your age group). Apply theory to your
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interviewees development. The key component to this assignment is for you to
demonstrate your ability to apply theory to a particular age group. The application of
theory is key for effective social work practice. This assignment is not about
repeating/summarizing what the textbook says, but actually applying what the textbook
says. What stage of development is the individual you are assessing? What
information/observations/responses from the client are you using to base your
assessment on? Use 2-3 theories and cover them with sufficient depth and justification.
Discussing theories, but not having any depth support for your assessment is not
effective. Write about your interviewee and how they conform or dispute the normal
developmental milestones discussed in your text.
2. Biological, psychological & sociological factors that influence the specified age group in
human growth and development as discussed in your text. This includes the common
characteristics or traits relating to thoughts, behaviors, and tasks for normal
development with this population. After discussing age group, apply it now for your
particular interviewee.
3. Identify how power, privilege, and oppression has affected your interviewee within their
development. This is an external resources piece, so you are encouraged to use some
of the 3-5 scholarly research options to look into power, privilege and oppression. How
has power impacted your interviewee? Oppression can color life experiences from
childhood to death. This is also a matter of person-in-environment, something that
makes social work unique. Social workers understand a persons environment, where
that person lives, what experiences they had, how they were treated, all impacting the
individual. What are some barriers to success for the interviewee?
4. Identify at least one or two policies/trends which were part of your interviewees
development. Identify injustices, limitations and deficits in advocacy needs for your
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interviewee. Make sure you research policies and trends affecting your interviewee.
Perhaps they were affected by welfare laws/regulations, access to medical care or
services, issues around school safety, bullying, access to nutrition, access to housing,
aging out of foster care, issues in immigration and more. Check out the history of the
policy you are discussing. When was this first put into law? Is it a federal law or is it a
local version of the law?
Prior to the interview, develop a series of questions to use during the interview. Ensure
that all questions and techniques used reflect the developmental level of the interviewees. To
assist you in developing your interview questions, please review the text chapters and content
that address the above-mentioned factors for this specified age group. Do so before the
interview. You can also use external resources to build up your questions. Attach your
questions as an appendix (only a list of questions, do not attach Q&A).
In assessing this area, please review the text. There is a very brief section at the end of chapter
13, last page of the chapter, discussing spirituality and Fowlers Theory of Faith Development.
The information you provide in this section should tell about the interviewees spiritual or
religious values/beliefs conveyed in the interview. Explore their spiritual development and the
significance it has in their life. Assign a developmental stage from Fowlers theory for your

rubric is atatched and instructions

  All assignments have been graded.  Please review your assignments and feedback that was provided.  To find additional feedback on the topic assignments, go back into the assignment and you should be able to view the comments made within your document.  It is important to review this so you can improve and correct the mistakes that points are being deducted for.  Please review the rubric; I grade directly from it.

Please attend the zoom session on Monday evenings for additional guidance.  This is the perfect environment to gain clarity for grading and the requirements of the assignment.

Here are a few more writing suggestions that may be helpful:

*Avoid writing in first person for your initial discussions and for the topic assignments.

*Format the document (title page, headings, reference page, in-text citations, etc.) per APA, 7th edition.

*Avoid direct quotes (this will help lower the turn-it-in score) and write out acronyms

*If a reference is listed in the reference list or for a discussion, there needs to be a corresponding in-text citation

*Always, always discuss social work practice in all of your assignments

Textbook: Lifespan Human Development 9th edition, Sigelman and Rider.

resources that will help to write this:
Out of digital library, this is a very good resource.


Psycho-Social Assessment 1 (child)
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