Performance Assessment2.4 – Input, Output and Processing
Task 1 – Input from the user
Open the Python 3.10 Integrated Development Learning Environment (IDLE) and create a new project named, GuessNumber
Have the computer select a random number with the following commands:
from random import randint
print(“<Your Student number>”)
num = randint(1,9)
user_guess = 0
Create a loop that will check to see if the user_guess is the same as the random number
while user_guess != num:
Inside the loop get a guess from the user and check to see if the guess is lower than the number
user_guess = int(input(“Enter a guess from 1 to 9: “))
if user_guess< num:
print(“Guess is low”)
elifuser_guess> num:
print(“Guess is high”)
print(“You guessed it!”)
Keep running the program until you get one Guess is high, Guess is low, and you guessed it response.
Deliverables for Task 1
- Screenshot of your GuessNumber program
- Screenshot of the results of running your program.
Task 2 – Adding a counter
Now you will add a counter to keep track of the number of guesses.
Before your looping statement add a counter with
guess = 0
Add the counter statement inside the loop (before the if statements):
guess += 1
Change the winning statement to:
print(f”You guessed it! You won in {guess} guesses!”)
Deliverables for Task 2
- Screenshot of your GuessNumber program
- Screenshot of the results of running your program.