Provide a background on your topic (who, what, where, when and why).
How many people does it affect?
Define key topics that will be used
State your research question
Why is this problem of interest or importancewho cares?
Cite and discuss the literature relevant to your topic- focus on peer-reviewed literature
What key studies (theories, methods, etc.) have used the concepts relevant to your study?
Group and categorize previous studies: what do they have in common?
What key findings from these studies have been useful for your study?
How are each of these studies important to your own research?
Whats your angle? Will you replicate, revise, expand, correct, replicate or challenge previous work?
What type of methods will you use? (survey, secondary data, observation, focus groups, content analysis, interviews, etc.)
Why was this method chosen over other techniques? (advantages/disadvantages)
Describe your sampling strategy
Include a discussion of how concepts were operationally defined or categorized, if necessary
How will you ensure validity and reliability?
How will you draw conclusions from the data you collect?
Are there any limits to your study?
Are there any ethical concerns?
Cite your sources in correct APA format.
Include copies of the survey or interview questions, and informed consent.