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At the next Board of Health meeting, members receive a copy of the latest annual Community Health Assessment Download latest annual Community Health Assessment. The report includes updated data from the environmental health assessment in Littletown as well as update-to-date information of the health status of the community. The Board of Health is responsible for reviewing the report and making recommendations and providing resources for addressing health priorities. However, due to budget and resource constraints, the county can only support a limited number of priorities. Thus, only health conditions and issues of highest concern will be addressed in the annual recommendations. You have been selected to lead the sub-committee that will determine the priority health focus for the County and provide recommendations for addressing this priority in the County.
Do the following:
- Read through the assessment and select a priority health area. This can be a specific health condition (e.g.diabetes,), a broader health focus (e.g. maternal and child health), or a risk factor (e.g. air quality). If you choose, you may also select a specific target population (e.g. children, older adults).
- The assessment includes data that describes demographic characteristics of the County population and specific health issues, including data for relevant target populations. Using the data from your selected health issue, apply epidemiologic measures to provide support of your issues as a priority. You can use any measure you find relevant (e.g. rates, ratios, relative risks, attributable risk, odds ratio, screening assessments, etc.), but it needs to make sense in the context of the health issues and community.
- For your selected health priority, identify at least 3 sources of data that support your issue. You can use the library health statistics guides Links to an external site.or search for literature through one of the library databases (e.g. PubMed, CINAHL). However, at least one source must be from a peer-reviewed journal article.
- Use Healthy People 2030 Links to an external site.to identify strategies and recommendations for addressing your selected health priority. You can also use other sources of information, including the sources you identified above.
- FOR YOUR ASSIGNMENT SUBMISSION: Write a 3-5 paragraph summary of your health priority and recommendations. The summary should be properly cited with your references (I recommend using APA citation formats). The summary should include:
- Brief description of your health condition, including why it is important to address in this community. This include the following:
- Significance of the health problem based on the references you selected. Make sure to cite your references.
- Overview of the health issue with in the County population based on the health assessment.
- Interpretations of the epidemiologic measures you selected and how that supports your health issue as a priority. Make sure to identify the measure you are using.
- Objectives and goals addressing your health priority to improve the health of the community. You can adapt objectives from Healthy People 2030 or develop your own objectives based on the community profile. Your objectives need to include a focus on any disparities or risk populations identified in the assessment [NOTE: make sure to review the County demographics page for additional population information].
- Describe an intervention, program, or policy for meeting the objectives within the County community. You should provide evidence for the effectiveness of the strategy and recommendations for how the strategy should be implemented in the community.
- Bibliography
- OPTIONAL: At the end of the summary, you can show the work for the epidemiologic measures you selected (e.g. calculations, 2×2 table).