Assignment 2: Podcasts (Group)
Deliverables: 5 minute audio recordings
Submission format: upload audio recording to moodle
Assessment: 20% of final grade
Due: October 1st, 2021
Groups will be asked to record a a short (5 minute) audio reflection/discussion on a work of critical design assigned
to them in class. Each podcast discussion should include:
An introduction to the project the group is presenting on, as well as any background understandings,
moral/philosophical questions and/or arguments required to understand the projects intent and the
context of its exploration.
Please retain this document for your records. Detailed course outlines are often necessary to obtain
transfer credit at other institutions, especially for Topics classes.
A response to the work in the form of a debate or discussion. Remember to consider what the invisible
issue is that the work is attempting to reveal. What is the debate or discussion that the work is trying to
open up?
A leading question that distills issues raised in the groups response, which the class will be invited to
respond to during the seminar.
The goal is for us to experience the ideas explored in the project and have us, as a class, engage in critical discussion
of those ideas.
Project considerations:
An important consideration in how you present and engage your audience is how you orient them and contextualize
the project before diving into discussing its implications. What’s important to remember is that while you might have
lived with these projects for a couple weeks your audience has likely never seen them nor considered their unique
Another concern when considering what to include in your discussion is considering what to leave out. With ideas
that are fascinating and expansive how do you edit your discussion/reflections to focus on one set of ideas relevant
to the discussion? 5 minutes is not a very long time to introduce and discuss a project and its surrounding ideas.
Even within some of the projects there are too many possibilities and tangents. Consider what parts you focus on to
get the most out of your audiences immersion into the designers work. Sometimes a deep dive into one key idea is
more fruitful than a skimming of all possibilities with no time to discuss them in any depth.
Rare Earthenware