INSTRUCTIONS: For this assignment, you will be reading 2 articles (1 popular press article
and 1 peer-reviewed research article). These documents are available on Canvas.
1. Read the research article (Ward et al.) paying close attention to their research design
(correlational study or experiment) and findings.
2. Read the popular press article (NY Post by Frishberg) paying close attention to how the
findings of the research article are interpreted and described. Review what you learned
from lecture regarding research methods and causality.
3. Write your paper.
Summarize the research article.
Make sure to identify the hypotheses, main variable(s), the design of the study, and the
results and conclusions.
Explain whether and how the outcome of the study supports the researchers hypotheses.
Summarize the popular press article.
What did the popular press article say about the findings?
Note any statements or conclusions that imply causality.
Evaluate whether the press article provided an accurate report of the research study.
How accurately did the popular press article describe the research findings?
Consider whether the popular press article author used any language that implied a causal
relationship between the variables that were studied.
Describe if these were justified based on the study design (why or why not).
Provide an alternative explanation about why self-worth based on financial success may be
associated with the negative outcomes described (in other words, identify a third variable that
might cause someone to base their self-worth on financial success and might cause negative
outcomes such as loneliness and social disconnection separately). Do not use variables of
autonomy or time spent with friends, since these were already included in the article.
What are the dangers of popular press articles mis-representing study finding

2-3 pages long
Size 12 Times New Roman font
1 margins
APA format (see:
Use your own words. Avoid quotes.
You are only allowed up to 2 quotes in the entire paper if necessary.
These quotes cannot be longer than 1 sentence.
Paraphrase the authors ideas carefully.
Be clear and concise.
Make sure your main argument is clearly identified.
Make sure each paragraph makes a clear point.
Make sure the ordering of points from paragraph to paragraph is logical.
Use transitions as needed.
Provide evidence for your claims.
Give concrete examples.
Provide examples from the articlewritten in your own wordsto support your
This is a formal, college level paper. Proper spelling, grammar, style, and writing
quality are all important and part of your grade evaluation.


Read Articles
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