Read: Chapter 5 of A Crime So Monstrous by Ben Skinner
Answer the following questions
Chapter 5 Questions: A Nation Within a Nation
1. Google E. Benjamin Skinner. List his name, credentials, and anything else of interest. Find 5 things about him. This question is worth 1 point.
2. By 2000, what portion of the population in Romania and Eastern Europe lived below the poverty level? Include citations. (This is a very short answer.) This question is worth 1 point.
3. Include a few sentences describing the 28 year old woman that Florin offers to sell to Skinner. Florin offered to sell this woman to Skinner for 3 months at what cost? It is estimated that she is raped how many times every day? How much does her pay to rape her? Include citations. This question is worth 3 points.
4. 1990s: It is estimated that how many people enter bondage every year? It is the ________ most lucrative commodity for crime syndicated of all sizes, netting around _(amount)_ Include citations. (This is a very short answer.) This question is worth 2 points.
5. Include a paragraph, to discuss Tatiana’s story and how she was tricked into the Include citations. This question is worth 5 points.
6. According to a 2003 study in The Netherlands, on average, a single sex slave earned her pimp how much money per year? Include citations. (This is a very short answer.) This question is worth 1 point.
7. What is the average sentence for the dozens of human traffickers now serving time in Romanian jails? Include citations. (This is a very short answer.) This question is worth 1 point.
8. Each evening, up to how many clients did Anton force Tatiana to have sex with? Include citations. (This is a very short answer.) This question is worth 1 point.
9. Discuss the slave trade in Romania. Include 1 page double spaced. Only include examples from the assigned chapter in Skinners book. This question is worth 15 points.
Follow these instructions for Paper #2
o Type and print your paper in black ink (do not submit your work in any other color).
o Use Arial or Times New Roman font, 12 point.
o Use 1 inch margins.
o Double space your paper.
o Number your pages.
o Number your answers. (If you fail to number your answers you will receive a deduction to your grade.)
o Make sure that it is the length I require based on 1 inch margins.
o Quotes: Your paper may not include more than 10% of quotes in it.
o Citations: Include citations with each paper and question.