From the projects, I expect:
Creativity (were trying to move away from book-like pictures).  Think of something a kid would enjoy looking at or enjoy creating.

Your project should bring meaning and life to the detailed vocabulary.  You, I and your classmates should find your approach interesting and engaging.

Your work should have a consistency to it, and at the end of the semester be a finished product.

The project should contain well-labeled diagrams with precise vocabulary that will be outlined in class.  You may use written definition as needed for clarity.

Projects will be collected at various points in the semester for grading, and you are expected to keep up with the work.

Rectangle assignment

Brainstorming Activity – Geometry Projects
Over the break, please begin to think about the geometry project that well complete during the second half of the semester. I would like you to spend some time exploring various ways to display geometric pictures and their associated vocabulary.

The first assignment to begin the portfolio is to:

Create 3 different versions/visions/constructions of a rectangle.

Your construction should:
Clearly show all relevant aspects of what makes a rectangle a rectangle

Have all relevant parts of the rectangle labeled, in some way

meet all the other criteria from the syllabus description I know this feels open-ended and vague.  It should.  The idea is for you to spend some time constructing and understanding geometric objects and vocabulary in a way that is significant for you. 

You will need to bring these three constructions to class on March 20. 

If you get stuck:
Try making rectangles with different materials.  If you used paper for one of the rectangles, dont use paper for the other two.

Try seeing rectangles or other shapes in different parts of your life.  Just try to be aware and tuned in to the geometry all around us

Try thinking about something you want to do/create/explore and see if you can fit geometry into that.  A random example off the top of my head:  if you like running, create running paths in the shapes of geometrical figures and use something like AllTrails to capture them.  Then, just go running a bunch.  Seriously this project should be something you like.


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