Your reflective journal is intended to be a place where you think out loud. This assignment is the first reflection in your ongoing journal for this course.
This first journal entry should focus on your background and upbringing as it relates to cultural and familial norms. Norms are actions and beliefs that are accepted as “NORMal” behaviors by a group or society (Lundin, 2019). Consider the following questions as you complete this assignment:
- What cultural norms and familial norms did you grow up with?
- What has changed for you or stayed the same?
- What has changed or stayed the same for others in your community and/or the students you teach?
- Considering the issues of implicit bias, personal identity, and changing times, has anything in this first week surprised you or made you uncomfortable? Why might have this surprised you?
- What would you like to learn more about and explore further regarding cultural and familial norms?
If you would prefer to submit your journal as a video journal, please let your instructor know. You can use the video tool available in NCUOne to create video journal entries instead of written entries. Instructions for using this tool are available in this weeks resources.
Additionally, you may want to post some of your thoughts from your journal in the NCU Commons. While you are welcome to share your thoughts wherever you would like, a special conversation has been started within the Educational Leadership community of practice; the link is available in this weeks resources. Introduce yourself, if you have not already, then include whichever parts of your journal you would like to share. Maybe even ask a couple of questions to engage others in a conversation. Feedback and additional perspectives from the diverse voices in the NCU Commons can help you to dive deeper into your ongoing reflections and growth regarding cultural competence.
Lundin, L. L. (2019). Social norms. Salem Press Encyclopedia. Toledo, OH: Great Neck Publishing.
Length: 1 to 3-minute video or 1-2 pages; title and reference pages not required for journal entries.
References: References are not required for the journal. If you do choose to cite references, use APA style for in-text citations and the reference list.
Your journal should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts that are presented in the course and provide new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect graduate-level writing and APA standards. Be sure to adhere to Northcentral University’s Academic Integrity Policy.
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