
Paper 3
The following verses with the commentaries deal with how the Quran modifies the concept of
generosity from how it was understood in pre-Islamic Arabia. For this paper, discuss the views
of the commentators regarding these verses. Then offer your own reflections on these verses
such as what you found interesting, how this topic relates to our own society, etc.
Directions and requirements:
• Essays must be entered by 3:00 PM on Tuesday.
• No late assignment will be accepted, and no assignment will be accepted through any
method other than D2L. I will not respond to an email with an attached assignment.
• In each essay, you must do the following:
a. Put the critical ideas into your own words. Do not copy and paste the text unless it
is impossible to rephrase it in your own words.
b. Use the chapter: verse number when referencing the verses (don’t copy the text of
the verse), and the page number(s) when referencing the commentaries.
c. Entries should not be less than two pages in length
d. Your grade is based primarily on your effort, including content and mechanics.
e. Use a 12-point font and avoid unnecessary blank spaces in your essay.
Here are the assigned verses: 2:261-264; 17:29-30; 2:195; 9:75-77; 64:16-18
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