The diseases discussed in this module(Zoonosis and Vector Borne Diseases) have killed hundreds of millions of people over the last several thousand years. Many of them are facilitated by human behavior such as leaving standing water around homes allowing for mosquitoes to breed or people moving into the edge of forests where they come into contact with infected animals. What are potential solutions we might use to protect health? What would you tell policy makers and government officials regarding the health implications of these activities?
Student 1 initial post
As seen in the module, there are numerous diseases that can result from contact with infected animals through zoonosis and vector-borne disease. Similar to all other issues, there are several solutions that we might be able to use to protect health. Firstly, we can create and implement educational programs about common diseases that are found in one’s local community. These programs would inform individuals about what the disease is, the signs and symptoms, how to treat it, and how to prevent it. Specifically, these programs should target both young children, who are usually outside more, and parents. By educating these specific populations, it will spread awareness and knowledge to future generations. Another solution would be to analyze which diseases have been common in the community, and create a plan to apply pesticides, alter the vector’s habitat, and/or remove the vector’s food source. This will control the animals by directly targeting the specific population that is spreading diseases. In doing so, this would utilize upstream thinking to ensure the safety of humans. Finally, it is important to work together with the community, policy makers, and government officials about the health implications of these activities. Policies and programs can be created and funded, which will then protect individuals’ health. For example, in Nepal, there has been a recent increase in dengue fever, which has been impacting many individuals. By working with policy makers and government officials, they can allot a specific amount of money and resources towards this issue, whether it be to increase medical supplies and support or increase research on possible ways to prevent such diseases.
Student-2 initial post
There are several solutions that we can use to protect health when it comes to vector-borne diseases. When thinking about Lyme Disease, it is important for people to know what to look for and how to protect themselves. As a person who grew up in a family that hiked a lot, my parents always advised me to wear tall, light socks. That way when we were done hiking we could see if any ticks had caught onto us. We also would do a tick check, and if we found one, would monitor the bite to see if the signature bulls-eye appeared. In thinking about malaria, there are so many protective measures that are taken. When I went to Ghana for a dialogue of civilizations, my travel clinic sent me with special lotion for mosquitos, a spray, wrist bands, and advised me to spray my clothes with permethrin. The issue that comes up with this is that not everyone has access to these resources. However, when I was in Ghana we did learn that children are given mosquito nets every two years in school, which is a great public health campaign as long as they are tying that in with education. Educating people on how to be safe outdoors is one way to help combat vector-borne diseases. At the policy level, I would inform officials that education and the provision of resources are important in order to see a decrease in these diseases. It is important to provide the resources but even more important to teach people how to use them. It is great to give out mosquito nets, but if a family doesn’t know how to use them, it doesn’t do them any good.