Rubric for RES 101 Reading Reflection papers.
Please select an article posted on the Religious Studies Facebook page and write a critical reflection on it. The URL is
https://www.facebook.com/NazReligiousStudies/ . You do not need to have a Facebook account to access this page.
Advice: scroll deep through the Facebook page. There are hundreds of articles on the page on all sorts of topics. Make sure to
choose an article that is long and substantive enough to give you lots to talk about.
Do this in two or three pages and submit the paper in class, in hard copy, on Sep. 28, Nov. 2, and Dec. 7.
Excellent/Good Work Developing Work Novice Work
Provide a citation of the title,
author, source, and date. 10 – 8 7 – 6 5 – 0
Use correct spelling, grammar,
word choice and syntax.
10 – 8 7 – 6 5 – 0
Explain the nature of the article. In
particular, is it more a reporting of
facts about something, or is it an
opinionated, commentary piece? Is
the author trying to inform you
about the topic, or are they trying
to persuade you to agree with their
10 – 8 7 – 6 5 – 0
Summarize the article’s major
points. What’s the author’s thesis
and significant points?
35 – 28 27 – 21 20 – 0
What are the connections to our
course material? How does this
article relate to things we are
learning about specific religions?
Or does it reflect any of our course
Enduring Questions (What is the
meaning and purpose of life? What is the
relationship between religion and culture?)
or Learning Outcomes (describe and
assess major values, beliefs, and practices
proposed by the world religions and how they
have developed, changed, and influenced one
another over time.
describe and assess the impact of pluralism,
diversity, equity, and inclusion as it plays out
across cultural and religious contexts.
recognize and critically analyze stereotypes,
prejudice, discrimination, and oppression
across religious contexts.
engage empathetically and critically with
patterns of values, beliefs, and practices
across world religions and spiritualities that
contribute to a life of meaning, purpose, and
adapt and apply skills or methodologies
gained from multiple disciplines and personal
and co-curricular experiences to explore the
complex landscapes of religion in our modern
25 – 20 19 – 15 14 – 0
What do you think? Especially if the
article is an opinion piece, why do
you agree or disagree with the
author’s position? Or if the article is
strictly factual reporting about
events, what is your reasoned
judgment about those events?
10 – 8 7 – 6 5 – 0
Total =