Research Paper: Each group will develop an 8-page research paper (excluding the reference list). The
paper should begin with a clear statement of a problem rooted in at least one of the required course
readings and recommend a possible solution. The paper will express a point of view, more than just a
compilation of research findings or the ideas of others. References should be used for the purpose of
augmenting, clarifying and/or highlighting the point of view being advanced. Whenever possible, the
writer will use primary rather than secondary sources. It is also expected that assigned seminar readings
will be utilized effectively in the development of the term paper. At least 9 references must be cited. The
paper will be uploaded through the assignment section, which will lead you to Turnitin.
● 8-page research paper (reference page not included)
● Double-spaced
● Minimum of 9 references must be cited