- Which of the Theories for Planned change seems to be the best fit for your proposed project?. The theory of planned changes that seems to best fit my proposed project is the Six phases of Planned change “Havelock (1973) Th six stages are as follows:Building a relationship, Diagnosing the problem,Acquiring relevant resources, Choosing the solution,Gaining acceptance, and Stabilizing the innovation and generating self -renewal.The TITTLE OF MY PROPOSED PROJECT IS FALL.
- Why do you think this model is the best fit for your project?
- Describe the likely laggards and rejectors at your facility.
- What plans do you have to address laggards and rejectors?
- How ready is your team for change according to the website provided? Look at the following and identify potential problems and solutions with change. https://implementationscience.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/1748-5908-4-67 (Links to an external site.)
At least two references should be used to support the content of the initial post. At least one reference should be outside the assigned textbook, not a website, and written within the last 5 years or less. Write this in 350 words. APA format 7 edition.Need this in 16hours.